Caregiver's Field
Welcome to the Caregiver's Field. As a caregiver, I know there are times you wonder if anyone else could possibly understand your heart and how you feel. You long to care for your people but there are times you just need permission to be you and lay down that load you carry for just a little while. Here you will find a little rest for your soul without any judgement and some encouragement to get you started again. We will stay in our field of faithfulness together.... The journey is going to be worth it.
Finding Hope When Life Feels Less Than Hopeful
Have you ever felt you would surely break under the weight of all the hard things in your life? Have you felt all your strength was gone amid hopeless circumstances, and it made you think that if God didn’t move soon, you couldn’t do one more thing? Even though the sun hadn’t come up yet, my day was already off to a chaotic and stressful start. A long night of little sleep lay behind me, and a full day of tackling life’s problems in my current season lay ahead. Even a simple task like walking my dog seemed heavy as I grabbed my coat and headed outside on a crisp…
God Is Never Too Busy To Care
It wasn’t the news I wanted to hear. My first thoughts were of my family’s needs and how I could possibly manage something else penciled in on my already overloaded calendar. My schedule was packed full of days spent caring for others to have time to take care of something that involved me. When I finally had time to go to God in prayer and His word, I was amazed when the scripture I landed on seemed so relatable to how I felt. It comforted my heart, and a peace settled over me. Even though I hadn’t received the good news I longed for, God wasn’t short on good news…
Our Suffering Produces Crowns
God has promised His people great joy and peace in this life. But, He also promised our life would not be pain-free. Our Lord has promised a crown of life laid up in heaven for those who persevere amid pain and suffering here on earth. So we will find it worth all we go through when we get to heaven because our suffering produces crowns. I have a friend who knows how much I love flowers. I could have spared her the expense if she had only asked. Even though my outdoor plants seem to thrive, indoor plants are a different story. I tend to forget them and never water…
Planning for the Unexpected
Key Verse: “They led him out to crucify him. They forced a man coming in from the country, who was passing by, to carry Jesus’s cross. He was Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus.” Mark 15:20-21 (CSB) Life is not only full of unexpected pleasures but also full of unexpected heartache and disappointment. Unfortunately, when you start your day reading scripture and saying a prayer it doesn’t serve as a guarantee that life won’t take you by surprise and lead you around some unexpected twists and turns. “In this world, you will have trouble, but be of good cheer I have overcome the world” was Jesus’s way…
A Day in the Field
Today has been a day. I found myself falling before God emptying all sorts of things. Things like doubt, fear, anger, stress, and worries at His feet. It was like one colossal-sized dump with tears flying everywhere. I looked like a mess. I waited to see if He would be angry with me for letting the dam break from all that was on my flooding heart. I had too many “whys” and “I don’t understands” that came out in the mix to actually number. I tried not to directly accuse and withhold reverence from my God. I admit that I didn’t sugarcoat any of the hard stuff I said either.…
When You Can’t Do One More Thing
Key Verse: Father, if it be possible let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will. (Matthew 26:39) Lord, I do not want to do this….. Yes, that was my prayer. Have you ever prayed a prayer like me? I admit it didn’t seem like much of a prayer but honestly that was all the words I had left in me. Life and all my responsibilities that went with it just started to add up leaving me feeling completely overwhelmed. Overwhelmed and honestly….unwilling. Actually, a whole lot of unwillingness in my moment of weakness. That one more thing I had to do on my…
Life Lessons
In my current season of being a caregiver, it leaves me little time for myself to do the things I enjoy doing. I also find it hard to steal away time alone to pray. Each day of my husband’s journey with Multiple Schlerosis gets harder as the disease takes more and more from each of us. So as I joined an online My One Thing summer coaching group led by author Nicki Koziarz, I found myself making going on a prayer walk a mile to two a day as “my one thing goal”. I set my goal and I was determined to show up faithfully every single day for the…
God Cares Enough to Know My Name
I will be honest. There are days I struggle to understand why life is hard. Times when I wonder if anyone sees me at all. But God’s holy word assures me, even on the hard days, that God cares enough to know my name. He concerns himself with everything about me. Even on the days where all I do is find enough strength left in me to sit and cry, that is when God catches my tears in His bottle. So I sat down today… I found an empty chair on a day when I felt like my soul was empty, and I just sat. I wasn’t angry. I…