Take Ten

Ball Park Lemonade

I have so many special memories of summers from my childhood. One such memory was sipping my mom’s homemade lemonade on the porch swing in the late afternoons. My mom still makes the best lemonade in three counties and there was no better way growing up to end a long hot day. Except for the great conversation and laughs on that old porch swing, nothing in life was better. I have since made memories with my own daughter.  Memories that include our favorite lemonade. 


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Porch swings and glasses of lemonade make for great memories.


Well, as I’ve gotten older and a lot busier I admit I tend to do things a little different than my mom. I do have a few special homemade recipes of my own,  but I tend to navigate myself more to the tasty semi-homemade recipe. The ones where it takes less time but still tastes great. Anybody?

I first tasted this savory Ball Park Lemonade recipe when my daughter was playing softball and I volunteered in the concession stand. This explains where the “ballpark” name came from. It is a quick recipe that we made for the concession stand and many visitors to the park stood in line for this tasty stuff.

So on this hot busy day, I thought there was no better way that I could think of to take a long-needed break. No better way than to make some good old lemonade and do some reminiscing. Ball Park Style.

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as my family and make lemonade memories of your own.

(This recipe makes a half gallon. You can double the ingredients for a gallon and even add more lemons and oranges.)


1 cap full of Country Time Lemonade Mix (I always use Country Time brand. I have tried the generic and they are not as good in this recipe.)

1/2 cup of sugar

1 Lemon

1 Orange

Water and Ice

Add the lemonade mix and sugar into a pitcher. Add enough water to mix well. (I like to use a Pampered Chef Pitcher because the handle is actually a stirrer which works great.) Slice the lemon and oranges (I used two today only because they were very small) and put them into the pitcher. Add enough water to fill your pitcher to make a half gallon. Pour over ice…


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No better way to take a break than with a glass of lemonade.


Then find a porch swing or a place to prop your feet up to Take Ten…


And Enjoy!


I am a country girl from a small town nestled in the mountains of Southwest Virginia. I love discovering something new in God's word, sipping on my favorite coffee and enjoying the simple things in life. And I love to write about all the everyday stuff in between. My hope is that the things I share on my page will encourage and inspire you to find God's purpose for your own everyday journey.

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