How Big Assignments Can Leave You Feeling Small
I want this prominent place to serve God until I don’t. Sometimes you get called to the messy job you never asked for. Times when the job you got just feels incredibly too much for you to handle. Some days you want to trade your bigger-than-life assignment in for something a little less challenging or take back that prayer you…
A Job Well Done
As a blogger that is an Enneagram 4 with over-the-top perfection tendencies, I can so strive to neatly divide all my posts into neat categories. File them away so they look all neat and organized. The thing is if you really know me most of the time I am far from neat and far from organized. Most days I am…
A Love Like No Other
From time to time, I come across old cards and letters. Some I find tucked away in a drawer. Others left within the pages of a favorite book after being used as a bookmark. Some from family and friends. Others from my husband. All are sweet reminders of the blessings that come from endearing relationships. Gifts from God that are…
Stand Out and Be Counted
Have you ever taken notice of the verses in the Bible that mention David’s mighty warriors or valiant men? They always capture my attention, and I do a double-take when I run across them in scripture. I often ponder what made them so special that God himself spotlighted them, wanting us to notice. What made them stand out and be…
Lessons Learned from a Bathroom Floor
Key Verse: “In that day, I will restore the fallen shelter of David: I will repair its gaps, restore its ruins, and rebuild it as in the days of old.” Amos 9:11 (CSB) I hope you accept my invitation to pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee and chat for a while. Let’s talk about four unique words…
My Good Shepherd and Me
Key Verse: “The Lord is my Shepherd; I have what I need.” Psalms 23:1 (CSB) If I am, to be honest, I have been prone to wander most of my life. One small nibble here and another there till just like a sheep in a pasture, I can so easily wander off. I can travel miles before I realize I…
How Do I Truly Love Jesus?… Let Me Count the Ways
As I sat with a pen to paper to journal my thoughts, I was slightly convicted. I had just spent my morning time in Song of Solomon Chapter 5:10-16 reading and, in a sense, quietly listening to a woman completely in love and smitten with her man describe him to me. In incredible detail, she described what he looked like,…
Grace Turns Broken Tiaras into Crowns
I have great news. Did you know that Grace turns broken tiaras into crowns? Let me explain… As little girls, we learn from good parents that we are beautiful, cherished, worthy, and loved. We host tea parties as we play the part of the princess proudly wearing our sparkly tiaras and frilly boas. Unfortunately, tiaras become heavy as we grow…
“Stand All the Way Up” Book Review
Some of you may have been graced with a pain-free life, but I am not one of those people. I am taking comfort in God’s word and declaring my statement of faith despite all the conflicts that seem to navigate directly to me like I have this vast bull’s eye on my back. My covenant-keeping God has promised me in…
Jesus Fills Our Empty Net with Hope and Purpose
“When they got to land, they saw a charcoal fire there, with fish lying on it, and bread. Bring some of the fish you’ve just caught.” Jesus told them. John 21: 9-10 (CSB) Amid so many changes in my life, I felt empty. I had forgotten what it was like to dream and make plans. I had forgotten that Jesus will…