A Job Well Done
As a blogger that is an Enneagram 4 with over-the-top perfection tendencies, I can so strive to neatly divide all my posts into neat categories. File them away so they look all neat and organized.
The thing is if you really know me most of the time I am far from neat and far from organized. Most days I am a little scattered here and there and far from anything perfection-related.
But today I got a wild hair and am throwing this out there and filing it away under Wednesday Word of Encouragement. All organized for another day’s reading but coming to you hot off the presses on a bright and sunny Thursday morning. Ha! Maybe I really am making progress.
You know what they say, “Nothing ventured is nothing gained.” I hope this encourages you no matter what day you read it on.
So here go my thoughts from the field…
Did you know that we are all simply shift-workers?
Time and season to everything we put our hands to do.
We may have hands to the plow in the middle of a row when Jesus comes or He calls us home.
And you know something? It isn’t going to matter one hill of beans as my daddy always said if our particular job is left uncompleted. It simply will then become the job assigned for another to take up where we left off.
But oh how I can stress to dot every I and cross every T in the barren field of perfection.
I can so strive over what I need to do and worry over my performance that I can so overlook the value in the simplicity of fearing God and doing my best.
Because fearing God and trying my best is a reward in itself. It is the important final result of everything big or small that I commit to Him.
It isn’t about “my performance” but me allowing Him to showcase His anyway.
To be successful and have a rewarding life won’t be in the things I do but in the things I allow Him to do through me.
And it won’t mean I won’t make mistakes along the way. Sometimes it will be through the mistake I make today and commit to His grace that will make the difference in my job performance tomorrow.
Being faithful in the little things is of great importance in the overall purpose of the Big things of God.
Just simply putting my hand to the plow every day sometimes takes effort. God takes notice of that.
Speaking kind words is sometimes a battle. God writes those moments in His book.
Choosing to be still can feel like such a weighty task. God gets involved in those seemingly unimportant moments.
And when you choose to forgive God is there cheering you on.
So this is what I am learning…
Work your shift the best you can but don’t strive or toil in all the details. Leave those to an all-understanding and our all-knowing what to do Heavenly Father.
Do your best at all you set your hand to do by honoring the Lord and then leave it there.
Shift completed. Job well done. Payday is coming.
Walk out of that field with a head held high and a heart full of Jesus.
And don’t forget to pat yourself on the back and tell yourself, “Job Well Done.”
“Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people.” Colossians 3:23 (CSB)
See you in the field,