We Are Never Insignificant to the One Who Matters Most
Have you ever felt insignificant? It is a feeling that I know I struggle with from time to time. It is hard to believe that such a big word can make you feel not only small but less than. Less smart. Less beautiful. Less qualified for the job. We are never insignificant to the one who matters most. God never sees us as insignificant, for He is our creator.
So let’s take a closer look at this word that wreaks such havoc on our souls. And if I am honest causes me to struggle to find my place and purpose in this world.
As I sat in that classroom, full of all those other women in my field, heard all of their wonderful brilliant ideas, and looked at how to put together, they all looked, insignificant was exactly how I felt.
Insignificant made me want to sit there in silence and not say a word. Insignificant made me want to go home. I hated to admit it, but that word also made me want to quit.
Years have passed since that day at a conference sitting among my peers. I want to say that time did heal all my hurts and that I no longer feel insignificant, but honestly, at times, I can still feel small and less than.
As I sat in on a group zoom video session recently, I felt that word creep up on me again, and by the end of the week, insignificant was once again telling me I was less smart, less pretty, less well-spoken, and less qualified. Once again, I wanted to quit.

As the enemy stood ready to stamp that big insignificant word over me again, I cried unto the Lord, and He covered me with something else. He covered me with grace and began to remind me who I was, and insignificant was never mentioned.
He whispered to me that even though I felt like a little fish in a pond of Big fish to keep swimming. He also pointed my eyes to see another one of his creatures that were small in size and “seemingly” insignificant.
Insignificant….. until I took a closer look.
As I looked at the photo before me that my friend took on a nature walk, the first thing I saw was amazingly an ant. On the stem of a beautiful purple flower with a background bursting with color, that small tiny ant was the first thing that caught my eye. Of course, it caught my friend’s eye too. And this small ant had never once left the eye of its maker.
A creature so small yet is mentioned by name between the pages of holy scripture. God brags on this tiny creature for all its hard work and wisdom.
Proverbs 6:6-8 says, “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.” https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Proverbs-6-6_6-8/
God actually invites us to consider and take special notice of what the world calls small, less than, and insignificant. This same small and seemingly insignificant creature has a purpose and works tirelessly, helping take care of its community of ants. Ants also set a great example of what it means to work together as a team. Thousands of ants work to form a highly organized colony.
And that small, seemingly insignificant ant can also lift about twenty times his weight. But, unfortunately, I have failed to see any flower accomplish that with all of its beauty.

God used this tiny ant to serve as a reminder to me that He doesn’t compare me to anyone else around me. Instead, what he does is set me apart and equips me to do the job I have been called to do.
So I did feel insignificant and a little less than for a short while, but I did not quit. Instead, I raised my head and looked to my maker, who calls me daughter, worthy, beautiful, beloved, never less than and more than capable of doing the impossible things in Christ Jesus.
I, too, like that tiny ant, have a special purpose for my life that no one else can fill but me. So on this day, quitting was no longer an option.
Insignificant? No, not today. I am never insignificant to the one who matters most.
See you in the field,