When You Are Tired of Waiting
The word “wait” was appearing in scripture again when I honestly didn’t want to wait again. I was tired of waiting. I felt worn out, frustrated, and disappointed from all the waiting for unpleasant and uncomfortable things to change in my life. My life was totally off the rails of any plans I had wished for, and I couldn’t see any hope for change as far as my eyes could see. So, I allowed my tears to fall and boldly cried out to God in prayer, “What does it truly mean to wait on You? What will it mean for me if I do?” In a moment when I honestly…
Waiting For My Temporary to Change
“All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.” Job 14:14 (KJV) Temporary. I can totally forget in a hot minute what that word means when challenges find me. The enemy just loves to mess with our heads until we are thoroughly convinced we are permanently stuck in our situations and circumstances instead of temporarily on our way to passing through. Temporary means for a time only, brief, passing, transitory, short-lived. Unlike its counterpart, permanent, which means never changing, set in stone, fixed. Stuck. What brings change to our circumstances is a God who is anything but stuck and never rendered unable to change any…