How to Accept God’s Gift Called Mercy
Have you ever felt defeated after trying your best and then falling short? Do you find it hard to accept God’s forgiveness when you fail? Mercy is a beautiful gift God freely offers us, but often, we struggle to receive it. It was unexpected and unplanned. A note slipped free from between the pages of my Bible and landed quietly in my hand. I didn’t remember reading the verse, much less writing it down. It was awe-inspiring to see it on a morning when I needed it most—a visible, tangible reminder that our heavenly Father is always loving, caring, and pursuing us. Even more remarkable was that God’s grace and…
Trusting In The One Who Is Stronger Than The Storm
“We are stronger than the storm.” Words I saw on a Christian tee that landed on my heart after having just prayed for a deeper understanding of the story in Matthew 14:22-33. Jesus’ disciples had just witnessed a miracle. Jesus multiplied five loaves of bread and two fish to feed a multitude of over five thousand counting women and children and still had twelve baskets full of leftovers. The disciples were no doubt tired from all the excitement of the day and from actually serving that many people. But without any time to rest, Jesus sent them ahead to cross over to the other side of the lake, and He…
Living More Authentic Lives
Do you ever wonder if you are the only one who struggles when life is hard? Do you look around and wonder if other people are screaming inside to lay down the mask of perfection and live more authentic lives just like you? Lately, I have felt a need for a pause. Grief and some unexpected adversities facing my family started to take a toll on this girl’s heart. It left me battling to press through fear of the unknowns and discouragement and make time to sit undistracted at my Master’s feet. I have been struggling, Y’All. Sometimes, life is hard, or at least on my side of the wilderness.…
Finding Strength for the Hard Things
I am generally a go-getter. I see something that needs to be done, and I push myself until the job is done, especially God things. That is until I could not do one more thing this week. A spirit of unwillingness had crept into my heart, and I was at a loss to get going again. I was done. No more hard things were stuck on repeat in my head, and I found myself sitting down and unable to move. The words “I don’t want to” were like a heavy cloak draped over my heart, and I could not throw them off. I wrestled and dared to ask God…
Grace and Honest Conversations
Godly Woman Versus Messy Woman holding fast to Grace? Masked or Unmasked? Perfect versus slightly imperfect but with a heart for Jesus? The question is, which one do I show the world? Which one do I present to those in my realm of influence? Could it be possible that perhaps there is a little of both in all of us walking out this road of salvation holding tight to the hand leading the way that we could never find on our own? What would happen if we chose to be honest enough with ourselves and others to have that conversation? I ask myself, “Do I show the world a woman who…
Grace Promised for Every. Single. Thing.
Did you know?…… That thing you said that you didn’t mean. That thing you said that you meant at the time you said it but after your words were spoken you were left with profound regret. It left an ache in your heart and a bitter taste on your tongue that would not soon be remedied. That thing you did that you have wished a thousand times you could take back and undo. That thing you said in heated anger and meant every single word and would say all over again. That thing you said that crushed someone’s heart and made them feel so very small and unloved. That thing…