Stand Out and Be Counted
Have you ever taken notice of the verses in the Bible that mention David’s mighty warriors or valiant men? They always capture my attention, and I do a double-take when I run across them in scripture. I often ponder what made them so special that God himself spotlighted them, wanting us to notice. What made them stand out and be counted among God’s greatest men?
If you think about it, it would be like the creator of the universe had just hit a like on your post and then reposted it on His site for everyone to see. Talk about a WOW moment!
Recently as I was reading about the tribe of Asher’s descendants in I Chronicles 7:40 (CSB), I was mesmerized by the mention. The passage reads, “All these were Asher’s descendants. They were heads of their ancestral families, chosen men, valiant warriors, and chiefs among their leaders. The number of men listed in their genealogies for military service was 26,000.”
So what made them such great men? Why did God highlight them within the pages of His holy word?
First, we know that being chosen, valiant, and even chief didn’t come from the size of their army. Their army was small in number in comparison to the other tribes and surrounding nations. Their might and bravery instead came from the size of their God.
Secondly, they stood out to God in three different ways. They were courageous and mighty men of valor. They were quick to answer the call of duty, and they were militarily capable in battle. They were also capable leaders. To put it in my words…they were the real deal.
Recently, I was reading in Luke 2:36, and I noticed that Anna, the prophetess, was also a descendant of the tribe of Asher. This woman was valiant among her peers and a capable leader in her own right.
Anna was the only female to have been given the title of prophetess during her time. She also led by example. She had been a widow for 84 years and was still faithful to the house of God. She served God with fastings and prayers night and day and parted not from the Temple. Serving God was her full-time job, and she served willingly. God did some very special spotlighting of this faithful widow. Her eyes beheld the Messiah in the Temple, and she prophesied to all those present in the Temple that day looking for redemption. This woman was an example of what it means to leave a legacy. All those good works from the tribe of Asher all those years before were passed down to this widow. Nothing we do for God is wasted.
God never brings anything to our attention in His word that He doesn’t want it to provoke us to good works. 2 Timothy 3:16 (CSB) says that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and instruction in righteousness.” It also is a great reminder that “I can do all things in Christ because He gives me strength.”
So today, remind yourself…
Because of the Great I Am, I am chosen, valiant, and chosen among leaders.
If you have your eyes on God and are standing on HIs word today, you are chosen no matter what it feels like.
If you are putting one step in front of another, determined not to quit today, you are valiant.
If you are stepping out to share your testimony and teach others about Jesus either through written or spoken word, you are chief among leaders. Yes, my friend, you are capable of leading others.
Step in the spotlight today. God has taken notice of you, a good and faithful servant.
Stand up tall and never back down. You are making a difference, and how great that is!
See you in the field,