My Humble Prayer for Our Nation……
Dear Heavenly Father,
We are in trouble. We need your help.
Our land weeps and the eagle flys low. Our flag is burned in the streets and your Holy Word is being discarded and disrespected.
Lord, how did we come to this. Forgive us.
Our hearts are crying out for justice, for fairness, for equality, for restoration and yes, Lord, for unity.
We ask that you go into the hallowed halls and rooms of our House of Representatives and Senate, Lord. We ask that you make your presence known. Go into these sacred courtrooms of justice and decision making to represent your people. You, Lord be our representative. You be our defense, You, Lord, guide and lead.
Go Holy Spirit and make yourself known. The place they stand is Holy Ground, Lord. It is time that they take their shoes off and be reminded of where they do stand and why they are there. For it is a place where they make laws that involve your people in a land in which was formed and created in your name. The world may forget but your people remember. This is a country that was founded on the principles of your laws not on our own.
Reveal your truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth. A watered down version of your truth will not bring about the change we desperately need. Give these official and representatives to your people knowledge and wisdom. Shine your light on the darkest places to bring justice. For this we know, you delight in equal balances. Your word tells us, “Honest balances and scales are the Lord’s; the weight in the bags are his concern.” (Proverbs 16:11) We have been found to be wanting and we cry out to You to make it right again.
Protect us from the lies and schemes of the enemy. He has broken into these hallowed halls and stolen some precious things from your people. He has stolen our integrity, confidence, unity, love and peace and sowed in it’s place discord, hate, deceit, lies and openly shown disregard for your ways and your laws.
Lord, guard every heart from anything that creates fear in our lives. Guard us from anything that has the potential to be passed as a law that causes us to go against your sacred word. Guard us against anything that steals our ability to be free to worship you and praise you openly. Guard us against anything that will limit your people to be blessed and be prosperous in a land that you created for them. Guard our children against anything that will open them up to vile and evil practices. This land belongs to your people who stand in your name. Lord. Make restitution and make the enemy give double back. (Exodus 22: 8-9)
Thank you for all you have done in our past, stand ready to do in our today and what you have planned for our future. We don’t put our trust in man, presidents or officials but instead we put our trust in You alone. They are but men and You alone are God.
Thank you that no matter what laws are temporarily passed, no matter what it looks like today, we are still and will be always be secure and safe within your love, grace and mercy. In the darkest of night, You have promised that you will be light to your people
So we come boldly before your throne (Hebrews 4:16) to ask for your guidance in the affairs of your people. Thank you that you are with us and will lead us through this time with your great and mighty hand.
Forgive us of our sins. Cleanse us from every iniquity. Create in us a pure heart and give us clean hands. (Psalm 24:4) Show us the way. Please move in the people that represent us. Send revival.
We have a fight on our hands but Lord you have equipped us. No weapon formed against your people shall prosper. Down on our knees in prayer is still our greatest weapon and form of defense. You have not left us alone to defend for ourselves.
We thank you and praise you that you hear our petitions. We take our cause to the Higher Court. We wait for your answer and Divine Verdict. In Jesus holy and mighty name.
Your daughter and friend,

Tonya W
AMEN!!!! What a beautiful and much needed prayer!
Susan Davidson
Thank you friend. We have never needed prayer more.