Coffee and a Verse

Before You Ask

Key Verse: “If a son (or daughter) asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish?”  Luke 11:11 (KJV)


Ask yourself before you go and humbly ask of your God today.

Before you pour your heart out inside that closet

Before you bow low down on your knees or sadly bow your head

Even before you voice what weighs so heavily on your heart or speak out loud what your soul so longs for,

Remind yourself of just who it is that you are praying to.

Ask yourself just who is this One to whom you will make known your most intimate needs and secret desires.

Who is it that will listen as all your tears so painfully fall? Yes, ask yourself. 

And remind yourself that it is the One who knew you before you were even born. 

The One who so fearfully and wonderfully formed you and crafted you with purpose while you were still in the womb. 

He is the One who was there when you came into this world. He is also the very One who gave you the breath of life.

He has over the years watched as you grew.

He was there in the middle of those frightful nights each time you cried out. Each and every time you were sick. Lovingly watching over you through it all. Pulling you through. Waking you up each morning and starting you on your way,

Every time you skinned your knee or had a sniffle He was there in the shadows.

He was there when you laughed and celebrated over the years. Proudly watching each shining moment. Quietly celebrating with you. 

He was there when your pillow was wet with tears and bottling up every single one to be treasured. Not one tear was unseen. 

There when you bowed on that altar in such need of a Savior. Yes, He was there for that. 

And now here you are with this need that weighs so heavy on your heart.  This thing that makes you fear and despair. 

This need so deep that you struggle to even put into words. Struggle to truly know even what it is you have need of. 

Remind yourself that the One who you will take this need to already knows about it before you ask. 

So as you prepare to go to pray and so humbly ask for your need, remind yourself of who He is.  Remind yourself of just how much He truly cares and just how much He loves you. 

Then ask for that need. Seek for that answer. Knock for whatever door you need to be opened to be swung open. Bring that need knowing that He will do exceedingly above and beyond what you ask or think.

Because could this Heavenly Father who knows you so well and knows you by name, would He not so lovingly provide for that very need. 

Could He ever after knowing you so personally, do for you any less. 

His love letter to his children reminds us that, “If a son (or daughter) asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Luke 11:11 (KJV)

Yes, ask yourself.  You will be amazed at the answer and just as amazed of just how He will answer. 

He doesn’t always give you what you want because He loves you too much to give you any less than what you need. 

So, yes ask yourself…..then sweet, Daughter, go ask Him.

See you in the field,


I am a country girl from a small town nestled in the mountains of Southwest Virginia. I love discovering something new in God's word, sipping on my favorite coffee and enjoying the simple things in life. And I love to write about all the everyday stuff in between. My hope is that the things I share on my page will encourage and inspire you to find God's purpose for your own everyday journey.

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