Longing for Rescue
Key Verse: “I will praise you Lord, for you have rescued me.” Psalm 30:2 (NCV)
I admit I long for rescue.
I don’t know but this has just felt like an extra long hard week. My heart has hurt and felt a little heavier with everything going on in the world. And this girl has just longed to be rescued from it all. Anybody?
I have thought about the movie scenes where the knight on the white horse with colors flying rides up to save the princess and save the day. Those scenes get me every time. I long for that kind of ending to my story. And it may sound silly but I believe that it can happen.
I dare to believe that somehow good wins out over all the evil in the end.
That desire to believe in rescue is down deep in all of us. We may not be locked in an ivory tower surrounded by dark waters and the villain in our story is an evil queen like in the movies. The bitter truth is that we live in a fallen broken world. A world full of problems, sadness and pain.
We so often find ourselves trapped by life altering situations and unplanned circumstances. So often held captive by dim reports and diagnosis and evil plots and schemes of every kind. And yes, we long to be rescued from every bit of it.
In all reality, we do have a very real enemy who wants to trap us and hold us hostage. An enemy who wants to kill, steal and destroy us.
An evil nemesis who wants nothing more than to keep us locked up unable to experience all the goodness that God has planned for us. Chained by condemnation of sin and shame. Held hostage to past mistakes and failures. Locked up in fear and dread to keep us from living the abundant life in Christ.
But I have good news for all us princess story lovers like me out there….

We do have a rescuer and his name is Jesus. And because of Him good does win out in the end of every story. Every. Single. Time.
Jesus didn’t climb an ivory tower to save us. Instead he climbed the distance between us and Mount Calvary to hang on a cross just so he could rescue us.
And He humbled himself to contest the enemy in one of the greatest battles to have ever been fought. A battle in which he fought the enemy for our very souls. And guess what? He won.
As I look around at all the chaos and madness in the world today, my heart does ache. It longs to be rescued from all life’s problems.
I know as long as I live in this sin filled world I will always face hardships and trials. Sometimes pain and suffering. I will face hardships of one kind or another until Jesus takes me home.
But while here even in the midst of all the chaos and madness, “I will praise you Lord, for you have rescued me.” Psalms 30:2 (NCV)
I will praise you that sin no longer has dominion over me. I have been rescued. I am free.
I will praise you that the chains of shame have been broken asunder. I am blessed and highly favored. Forever found worthy to be loved.
I will praise you that my enemy will not prevail against me. The battle over me has already been won.
I will praise you that one day I will be rescued from all the hardships, pain and suffering of this life. Taken home to glory where there will never be anymore suffering.
I will praise you that there is coming a day that I will long for rescue with a heavy heart one final time, the enemy will forever be defeated and I will live in my King’s perfect kingdom forever.
Because good does win out over all the evil in the end. And this ending is better than any ending in any princess rescue movie ever made.