God Will Turn it Around
Friend, I have a word of encouragement…
Do you ever feel like no matter what you do you just can’t get ahead? Do you feel while the world is spinning out of control on your side of the fence, while the enemy is over on his side throwing a party? I can relate. Situations and hardships can easily make you feel like you are never going to win at this thing called life. We will often need God to turn things around.
Mordecai in the book of Esther was on his knees crying out loud to God in sackcloth and ashes for his people not to be destroyed at the exact same time the wicked Haman and king Asherus were sitting down at the banquet table. They were partying while God’s people cried out in fear. What?
For some of us that just about sums up exactly how we feel as daughters of the King right now. Like the enemy is partying while we are in a position of “I don’t know what to do.” Psalms 10:1 says, “Lord, why do you stand so far away? Why do you hide in times of trouble.” I don’t know about you but I dare to ask God the hard questions too. I want some answers when life seems totally turned around.
Sometimes life just doesn’t make sense and it seems so far from being fair. The thing is God didn’t call us to fair He made us for Truth. We walk this whole thing called the Christian faith out by you guessed it…faith. And faith isn’t about what you see nor is it even about what you hear or even feel like. Sometimes it flat out feels like God has forgotten about you. But hold on to your hat….this thing ain’t (as we say in the south) over yet.
My pastor preached a sermon recently about how sometimes we go in the wrong direction in life. He used the two men walking the road of Emmaus, Jonah, and Peter as some examples. The two men going to Emmaus were supposed to be going to Jerusalem. Jonah was supposed to go to Nineveh instead of Joppa. Peter was supposed to be going about being a fisher of men and had quit the ministry to go back to being a fisherman of fish. All these people going in the wrong direction and God had to turn them around.
I thought how easy I go in the wrong direction sometimes too. Like when God says to trust him, I instead doubt and fear. Like when he says to lift up my head and be exceedingly glad when I see all this messy stuff coming to pass in the world because our redemption draws nigh and instead I’ve got my head all hung down being sad and worried. God called me to be a looking up being a glad daughter of the king not a down in the dumps gloomy one.
My God has got this whole thing planned out. It says so in his word. And you know, He hasn’t ever lied to me. He hasn’t lied to you either. He has a good track record of being faithful a mile long. It may look like the enemy is partying now but I’ve read the back of the book. We win this thing.
So…I am adding these verses from Psalm 10 to the list I am writing on my heart today…
“Lord, you have heard the desire of the humble; you will strengthen their hearts. You will listen carefully doing justice for the fatherless and the oppressed so that mere humans from the earth may terrify them no more.”
It may look bad right now but God has promised we are going through and it gets better farther on. God saved Mordecai and his people from the mess they were in, he will bring us through our predicaments too. We may have to suit up, put on our armor, and do some standing up for what is right and fight just like they did. Because God turns things around for His people I will say it again…We win this thing!
See you in the field,

April Talley
Beautifully written! I could so relate!
Susan Davidson
Thank you so much for your comments. It is a blessing my post encouraged you.
I cannot tell you how much I needed to hear this today. Your words were so incredibly timely. You even used an example that my husband shared with me yesterday after reading a devotion to me. God is so good!
Susan Davidson
Sandy, that is amazing because I had a different post crafted for today. Last-minute, I felt led to go through my older posts and share this one instead. This post was one I had posted at the beginning of Covid on FB. I felt led to add the beginning paragraph and change the graphic. So glad I listened to the Lord. Apparently many of us needed the reminder, including me. God never fails to amaze me. Yes, He is good.
Rochelle Bauer
Exactly the encouragement I needed this morning. Thank you, friend for reminding me of God’s truth.
Susan Davidson
I am so glad what I shared from my heart encouraged you. Thank you for commenting.