God Will Lead Us to Where We Can See
Have you ever faced something in your life that made you question the goodness of God? Have you wondered if your eyes would ever see good things happen in your life again? If you answered yes to either question, I have good news. Although God didn’t promise we would never walk in darkness and face challenging situations, He did promise He would lead us to where we can see. God will lead us where we will see his goodness and his promises fulfilled.
The reality of life is that there will be times we will walk in incredible light. A light so bright it will light up our path, enlighten our spirit and make glad our hearts.
Other times we will walk through great darkness and sorrow. We will wonder if we will ever see the light of day. We will begin to ask if we will ever see anything good happen to us again.
The Bible tells us that after 400 years of silence from God, He sent His Son named Jesus into the world to usher in the greatest light of all.
And in the middle of it, a man was waiting to see it.
Luke 2:26 introduces us to this man. “It had been revealed to him (Simeon) by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he saw the Lord’s Messiah. So, guided by the spirit, he entered the Temple.”
It was there in the Temple Simeon’s eyes would behold the Lamb of God. He would see the promise fulfilled God had made to him and the world that God has indeed remembered his servant.
“God, you can now release your servant; release me in peace as you promised. With my own eyes, I’ve seen your salvation; it’s now out in the open for everyone to see: A God-revealing light to the non-Jewish nations, and of glory for your people Israel.” (Luke 2:29-32) MSG
Proof to the world that our God is faithful and never makes promises that He can’t keep. The Holy Spirit will lead us too where we will see our very own promises fulfilled. He will lead us where we need to be to experience God’s greatest blessings.
We have to be willing to do what Simeon did. So keep showing up in obedience, doing what God has already told us to do.
Simeon stayed obedient to what he already knew to do during his wait. He was a priest, and we see he was still available to minister in his temple duties—the job God had given him to do, he was found to be faithful.
Simeon was also willing to let God guide him, ready to follow God’s leading.
One day Simeon was about his everyday business. He never imagined that one ordinary day would lead to the most extraordinary day ever.
The Holy Spirit ushered him into where his eyes would see. They would see the goodness of God and the fulfillment of God’s promise.

Sweet Girl,
God is going to do the same for you.
One day you will feel you will never be ok again.
The next day you will walk in a new light and be amazed at how God changed your situation.
Your day will come when the Holy Spirit will lead you to where your eyes will see.
You will see the goodness of God again in your life and what a view it will be.
Stay about your Father’s business even when your eyes don’t see, even when it feels like you will never see God’s goodness again.
For God has promised, and “I am certain that I will see the LORD’s goodness in the land of the living.” Psalms 27:13 (CSB)
God IS going to lead you to where you can see. He will fulfill the promises He has made to you.
So stay focused because you don’t want to miss it. The view is going to be amazing.
See you in the field,

Moriah Simonowich
Thank you for writing this post! It is encouraging to think about coming out of shadow circumstances and into the light of God’s fulfilled promises. I like how you said Simeon was faithful to keep serving God and one day his ordinary day turned extraordinary when he met the baby, the Savior of the world!
Susan Davidson
I am so glad my post encouraged you. Thank you for visiting my site.