Encouragement for the Field
Life can get hard Y'all. Sometimes we just need a little push to keep us going till we make it to the end of our week. Wednesday Word of Encouragement is that quick word of encouragement to help us get there.
A Job Well Done
As a blogger that is an Enneagram 4 with over-the-top perfection tendencies, I can so strive to neatly divide all my posts into neat categories. File them away so they look all neat and organized. The thing is if you really know me most of the time I am far from neat and far from organized. Most days I am a little scattered here and there and far from anything perfection-related. But today I got a wild hair and am throwing this out there and filing it away under Wednesday Word of Encouragement. All organized for another day’s reading but coming to you hot off the presses on a bright…
Learning to Travel Well
I have a confession to make. I am terrible at directions. When my husband and I traveled before GPS, he would always drive while I would nervously be in charge of the maps and printed directions. There have been times with a map in my hand we still managed to take wrong turns and go entirely off-road. After many laughs and a few heated arguments, we always ended up at our destinations. But only after we spent way more driving time than needed to reach our desired location. I would love to say I have only been navigational challenged traveling the physical roads of life, but honestly, I have been…
Where My Heart Finds Rescue
Endurance. A word when I think on it’s meaning can stir up lots of mixed emotions. Dictionary.com https://www.dictionary.com/browse/endurance?s=t describes endurance this way, “It is the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions; stamina.” My way of describing it most days is a bit more dramatic. I describe it like being on a ship that is being tossed in the crushing waves, the sails are ripped to shreds, the hull has a big hole in it from slamming against a rock and you still make it to shore alive and in one piece. Strike up the band. You endured. A less dramatic way…
Invited In
Key Verse: “How happy is the one you choose and bring near to live in your courts! We wIll be satisfied with the goodness of your house, and the holiness of your temple.” Psalms 65:4 (CSB) I remember standing outside of the church that day all alone. Everyone else was inside eating their lunch. I stood outside eating mine. To a child, I didn’t understand but I followed the rule anyway. A rule my mom told me to obey. You don’t eat in the House of the Lord. It was for worship only. Even though the kitchen was in the basement, it was still part of the church in…
Don’t Play the Comparison Game…Again
Do you ever compare yourself to others playing the comparison game? Then let’s talk… I love sweet juicy blueberries. I put them in smoothies, in my oatmeal, and even love a delicious blueberry cobbler every now and then. I recently learned something new about blueberries. You can’t tell how sweet blueberry is going to taste by its size? No joke. I would have assumed that the big plumb blueberries would be super sweet. I was so convinced I bought two containers. After all, they spent more time soaking up all that sunshine and drinking in all that refreshing rain. Right? Wrong! Bigger does not mean juicer or sweeter. Bigger…
Finding True Meaning in the Meaningless
Key Verse: “Absolute futility,” says the Teacher. “Everything is futile.” Ecclesiastes 12:8 As I cleaned out the crisper drawer in my refrigerator, it reminded me how temporary and fleeting everything in life is. The fruit I placed in my refrigerator was crisp, firm, and full of flavor. Just a few days later it was wilted, brown, and no longer edible. A stark reminder that “everything is futile,” just as Solomon penned in Ecclesiastes 12:8. It also makes me stop to think how many things I have gotten so bent out of shape over things that didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Stuff I had worried about and stressed…
Waiting for Good
Key Verse: Isaiah 40:31 “but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength: they shall mount up with wings of eagles; they shall run and not be weary: they shall walk and not faint.” Waiting in line. Waiting for my turn. Waiting to turn 18. Waiting to say “I do”. Waiting for the storm to pass. Waiting for the test results. Waiting till the leaves change. Waiting for my loved one to feel better. Waiting for my dad to take his last breath. Waits. Some are sad. Some are full of anticipation. Some we hope pass quickly. Some we hope they never end. No matter what your…