When Prayer Becomes a Struggle
Can I let you in on a little secret that the enemy doesn’t want you to find out? There will be days you won’t feel like praying. Days your heart will struggle to find the words.
Other days you will struggle to know what to pray. Your mind will race to figure out the things you need to ask for, forgetting that The Lord already knows.
There will be days you will battle the voice that will tell you it doesn’t do you any good to pray at all. Days when your life looks far from the way you had planned. It will make you question His plans as your hearts holds fast to the last ounce of faith you have left.
Other days your prayers will consist of nothing but tears. Pain will overflow at His feet, expressing what your weary heart feels.
And on the tough days, the only prayer you will have left will be to simply pray, “Lord, Help me pray.”
And He will.
Then you will start to realize that it is not in the long string of words that moves the heart of God toward us, His children. Instead, what drives His heart is our heart.
Because simple heart prayers are the kind that will move heaven and earth and bring about your breakthrough.
God will raise you up yet again to walk on His high places, declare His glory and sing His praises.
Our faith battle is never lost because the enemy wants it to be. He has no control over our victories. That power was only given to us alone.
Instead, our victory will be won. Won because of The Lord of Armies, who stands ready to defend those who are His.
We may at times get tired along the journey and worn out in the fight, but we will never be defeated because of the One who goes with us into battle. We must keep in mind His promise, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9 KJV
Battles are won on our knees, pouring out our hearts to a compassionate Father who loves us.
So keep praying, pouring out your heart, and crying out to your Heavenly Father who loves you. Even on the hard days. Even when we fail. Give it all to the One who loves you most because, “Indeed, the LORD’s arm is not too weak to save, and his ear is not too deaf to hear.” Isaiah 59:1 (CSB)
He answered Hannah’s heart prayer for a child, Daniels prayer for the restoration of a nation, Elijah’s request for rain, and granted Nehemiah’s heart’s desire for favor with the King.
Now add your prayer to the list, friend.
God heard the hesitation of John the Baptist’s heart when he sat alone in his prison cell and did not condemn him. Neither did He grow angry with David when he cried out, “How long, Lord,” as he wrestled with the hardships in his life.
We must remember “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2
He listens to our heart cries, answers the longings of our hearts, and stands attentive to our every breath.
And when we but breathe a prayer toward heaven, all of heaven is on its way to answer.
So keep praying, friend. Heaven is listening.
See you in the field,

I love it! The battle is won on our knees, for sure. We cry out to God and he hears what is in our hearts.
Susan Davidson
Thank you for your wonderful comments.
This was so encouraging and it really spoke to my heart today. Thank you so much. It was such a blessing!
Susan Davidson
I am so glad that my post encouraged you. I shared my heart on this one. Thanks for your comments.