We Will Find God to Be Faithful Even When Others Are Not
It was one of the most devastating seasons of my life. My heart was not only broken but it had been shattered into a million pieces. What hurt the most was that the God I serve had allowed my pain to happen.
For ten long months, I walked out that season crying out to God for deliverance from the pain. When someone you considered to be a friend suddenly changes from being for you to against you, you can’t imagine God allowing such hurt. Not only allow it but allow it to continue for so long.
I poured myself out to Him in prayer. I also devoured His word in my quiet time and Bible studies during that season. I couldn’t see that the quiet girl who always took the seat in the back row was slowly moving to the front hanging on every word. She also couldn’t see the transformation taking place within her spiritually right before her eyes. The girl who always followed the crowd was suddenly becoming the one who no longer cared if she was in a crowd or whether she was alone. All that mattered was that she was with Jesus. Being in the crowd and fulfilling a deep-seated need to belong no longer mattered.
Looking back in hindsight, God used that hard season to mold and shape me. Just like the furnace does precious metal, He purified and cleansed me of myself in that season. When I came out of that fire, I was prepared for the Master’s use.
Gone was the girl who constantly worried about pleasing everyone else. A girl who had the heart to serve God above all else had risen to take her place.
Gone was the girl who always felt she had to follow someone else because she didn’t have confidence in herself. In her place was a woman confident in her God who allowed God to position her in front to lead others.
Gone was the quiet girl who rarely spoke up. In her place was a woman determined to let her voice be heard to share God’s word through both spoken and written word.
We won’t always understand what God is doing in our lives when hardships arise. We won’t always understand why God allows suffering and pain. But we can trust him in the process. He never brings us to the fire without first intending to bring us out better than we went in.
Jesus spoke the words in John 14:7, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand!” He was talking to them about His crucifixion and resurrection and how it would bring about salvation and redemption. It will also stand to be words we can carry with us as a promise into our hard seasons.
We may not always understand what God is doing right now in our lives but tomorrow we will. He never disappoints us and we can trust him to make all things work for our good. He has great purpose in mind when He allows those dearest to Him to suffer hardship and pain.
So if are finding yourself in a painful season and are struggling to trust God, keep praying and feasting on His word. Keep pouring yourself out to Jesus. Keep serving in obedience. You will be amazed when your trial ends how He has transformed you in your furnace of affliction. Amazed how He took all the hurt and worked it for your good and His glory just like He promised.
People will be forever letting us down. Unfortunately, sometimes even reject us. But God will always prove himself to be faithful. Especially during the times, we struggle to understand.
See you in the field,
For further reference and study:
“For you, God tested us; you refined us as silver is refined.” (Psalms 66:10)
“Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.” (Isaiah 48:10)
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

Great encouragement today! Thank you!
Susan Davidson
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.
I’ve been that girl too. I love how God uses the rough places to make us new. Looking back is much easier than when going through it though! You’re right, in the heat of it, we cannot see past our pain.
Susan Davidson
I am so glad you could relate. I love how God uses the rough places to make us new too. I’m with you. Not always easy when going through it. Thanks for your comments.
Deborah Rutherford
Susan, what a beautiful heart felt post. Thank you for your encouragement and I love seeing how God is transforming you!
Susan Davidson
I am blessed my words encouraged you. Thank you for your encouragement as well. Thanks for taking the time to comment on my post.
Crystal Martin
So good! I’m a people pleaser to a fault. Always worrying what others think. People have left my life and shattered my heart. I’m learning that my fulfillment is in Christ alone. Learning to walk on my own two feet and depend on God alone.
Susan Davidson
I totally relate to being a people pleaser in my life as well. God is teaching me my fulfillment in Him alone is what is most important too, my friend. Glad I have a new friend on this journey. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and comment.
What marvelous insight into why life brings us trials… because God loves us enough to help us grow closer to Him. Thanks for sharing a piece of your story.
Susan Davidson
Thanks for your kind words of encouragement. I appreciate that you took the time to read my post and comment.
Nichole Suvar
Beautifully written! A great reminder that even when the world lets us down, our God is always faithful.
Susan Davidson
Thanks for always encouraging me, my friend. I am so blessed God let our paths cross and made us writing friends.