We Get to Rise Up in Jesus
It would be easy to read scripture and pretend I am not like all the others. I could skip to the part after the Resurrection of Jesus to Mary being the first to the tomb, never wavering in her love for Him, always full of faith. But I have not always been like Mary when I read scripture telling Christ’s story.
I can easily be like the apostles sleeping when I need to be praying. (Luke 22:46)
I can make rash decisions like the man who struck the soldier’s ear with his sword. I, too have struck out in anger. Times when my words cut like a sword when things didn’t go as I thought they should. I, too need Christ to heal the wounds I have caused. (Luke 22:49-50)
I have been Peter following only from a distance. Coming only close enough to warm myself by the fire but not coming close enough to allow the fire to purify me from my sins. (Luke 22:54)
I can also be like Peter and deny Him altogether. At moments of weakness, my words and actions show I didn’t know Him at all. (Luke 22:56-62)
I have even been the one lost and undone without Him mocking Him to be part of the in-crowd. Perhaps of all my shortcomings, that one pains me the most. (Luke 22:63)
I have been the one in the crowd that could have quickly spoken the words, “Crucify Him!” I have turned him away, wanting the world instead. (Luke 23:20-25)
I have often been like Simon the Cyrenian, having to be urged to pick up the cross and follow Jesus. (Luke 23:26)
I have also been the soldier putting up a banner for the world to see that Jesus is King but not truly believing it in my heart. (Luke 223:28)
I have been like the criminal hanging beside him on the cross who would only believe based on what Jesus could do for him. (Luke 23:39)
Yes, I have been like many in scripture who were far from Jesus.
Nevertheless, because of Jesus, the cross, and the stone that was rolled away, I get to be someone else entirely in the story of Christ.
I get to be someone without regret, shame, and guilt. I get to be someone who can hold their head high and experience joy and hope. I get to be called a Child of God.
I get to have this wonderful part of God’s kingdom. I get to be like Peter and John making ready the room to break the bread. (Luke 22:7-13)
I get to have a ready and willing heart to serve like the two obedient disciples going to get the donkey that Jesus requested. (Matthew 21:2)
I get to be the one in the crowd waving my palm leaves and throwing down my cloak to make a path for Jesus. I get to be the one celebrating who He is in the crowd. (Matthew 21:8)
I get to be one of the godly women waiting at the cross. Watching refusing to turn my eyes away because my love for Him is so great. (John 19:25)
I get to be like Mary running to the tomb early that morning. Despite all that had happened, she still had a heart full of faith. (John 20:1, 11-18)
I get to be Mary who prepared his body for burial, giving Him my resources and washing His feet with my tears. (Matthew 26:12)
I get to be Joseph who claims his body, carefully handing it and wrapping it and making sure His body is treated with respect and placed in a new tomb. (John 19:38-42)
Everything changed that day at an old rugged cross. Three days later, Jesus would rise from the dead, transforming the world’s greatest darkness into light.
Now, I can Rise Up saying to the world, look at me. I am not who I once was because of the love of Jesus and the incredible gift of salvation.
Look at what Jesus has done!
See you in the field and at the empty tomb,

One Comment
Love you and so proud of you momma.