Waiting for Rain
Key Verse: “For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” Hab. 2:3 (ESV)
Waiting is hard. Waiting with expectation is even more challenging, as we have also learned in our yearning for life to go back to normal for the last year.
Elijah had to trust in God’s provision as he waited through three and a half years of drought and famine. People were hungry, thirsty, and had grown tired of waiting. Now it was time that the drought was going to be over.
When it was time for the drought to end, all hopes were pinned on Elijah. As he reached the top of the mountain, he plunged to his knees and surrendered his heart by fervently crying out for God to send the abundance of rain.
Six times he got down on his face before God, praying for Him to open the heavens. After each time he prayed, he lifted his eyes expectantly to the sky: nothing. No cloud. No rain, even though he knew God had promised rain in its season, still the waiting.
Elijah continued with expectation and persistence. He prayed the seventh time. Finally, the breakthrough came. There in the sky, a cloud appeared the size of a man’s hand.
Elijah didn’t have to wait to see the first raindrop fall: in his heart, he knew rain was coming. Grabbing the hem of his garment, he tucked it in his belt so nothing would hinder his marathon into town. Rain is on the way and walking will not do. He had to run because God is sending a downpour.
In the waiting seasons of our lives, we get dry and thirsty. The enemy tries to discourage and make us doubt our relationship with our Savior. We can easily assume that our season will never end. He strikes us with fear of all the unknowns. We can begin to question, “How far and how long, Lord?” Often, I’ve been like a child in the backseat on a trip asking my father how long before we get there.
God puts us in these waiting places for a purpose. He uses them to teach our hearts to trust and rest in the providence and provision of the One who can provide and sustain. Days just like Elijah that he feeds us more intimately by his own hand. Then after days of prayer and seeking His face, our clouds do appear. Like a ray of hope that He shines forth to let us know rain is on the way and everything will be ok. Evidence of the verse that says,
“For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” Hab. 2:3 (ESV)
If you are in a waiting season today, don’t give up. If you have prayed and have continued walking on the gospel path, take heart. I challenge you to stoop down and grab the hem of your garment and get it tucked in your belt. Make haste with great expectation to be ready. God is faithful; He’s making your cloud, and rain is on the way.
See you in the Field,