Trusting In The One Who Is Stronger Than The Storm
“We are stronger than the storm.”
Words I saw on a Christian tee that landed on my heart after having just prayed for a deeper understanding of the story in Matthew 14:22-33.
Jesus’ disciples had just witnessed a miracle. Jesus multiplied five loaves of bread and two fish to feed a multitude of over five thousand counting women and children and still had twelve baskets full of leftovers.
The disciples were no doubt tired from all the excitement of the day and from actually serving that many people. But without any time to rest, Jesus sent them ahead to cross over to the other side of the lake, and He would catch up with them later.
The disciples got in the boat and proceeded to row across the water without Jesus. About halfway there, a storm came up that threatened to capsize their boats and deter them from reaching their destination. The winds picked up and started blowing contrary to their rowing efforts. No matter how hard they rowed, they weren’t making any progress. With the waves and wind battering against them, I’m sure it didn’t take long for them to feel both physically and emotionally worn out.
Maybe when you read this passage of scripture, it resonates because even though you don’t find yourself in an actual boat in a lake, you feel like you are in the middle of a storm. The winds and waves of all the unknowns are blowing against you. Perhaps you feel like you are rowing and rowing but aren’t getting anywhere. You are tired of the struggle and can’t see a way through the waves to get to the other side of what is wearing you out and bringing you to fear.
It also feels like you are rowing alone.
We can take encouragement in knowing the storm came when they were in the middle of the lake. Not the beginning or the end but the middle. Why the middle?
Most of the time, our struggles will be after we have put in a considerable amount of effort and made progress. That will be when the enemy will cause something to go awry, or something will come against our efforts to cause us to fear or discourage us, so we will throw in the towel and stop the work that God is doing in our lives. Whenever we are going to the other side at God’s command, you better believe the enemy will try to keep us from getting there.
If you are in the middle of your own storm and the winds and waves have become contrary to your purpose, let this word encourage you.
The middle is right at the spot where you will pass the halfway mark. Halfway to completion and well on your way to approaching the finish line. Friend, don’t let the enemy capsize your boat by deterring you from your Godly purpose. You are fast on your way to reaching your God-given destination.
Keep rowing. Keep trusting Jesus. He knows where you are. He has a track record of not letting us sink in despair or drown even in our chaos. He is known to speak peace when life is anything but peaceful.
Perhaps this is where we can interject the words from the tee…
We ARE STRONGER than the storm because the One we have put our trust in is stronger than the storm.
Stronger than the winds that threaten to blow us off course.
Stronger than the weariness we feel from constant rowing and not getting anywhere.
Stronger than the fear that brings us to distress and threatens our peace.
Stronger than the fear of the unknowns that threaten to drown us in a sea of worry and despair.
Jesus is for us, and because of that, we can boldly declare we are stronger than whatever threatens to come against us.
What storm in your life is threatening to blow you off course today?
What storm is threatening your peace of mind?
What storm is threatening to drown you in a sea of unknowns?
In the words of Jesus to the disciples in Matthew 14:27 (NIV), “Take courage. It is I. Don’t be afraid.”
Jesus is for us and controls the winds and waves, and because of that, we are stronger than any storm we face. We can face the wind and waves of life with courage and without fear.

Deborah Rutherford
Susan, thank you for your encouragement here that is resonating with me today. So needed this.
Susan Davidson
I feel so blessed that you read my post and was encouraged. Thank you for commenting. Thankful for you, friend.
Beautiful words. Such an easy visual check on where we are currently!
Susan Davidson
I pray you come out of your storm soon. Keep rowing and trusting. Thank you for reading and commenting.