Thankful for Simple
I am thankful today for simplicity. The simple uncomplicated things in my life. Believe me for a girl who can overcomplicate everything in a red hot minute this is a very big deal. And when you begin to see God working that magic word in your own life even if in small ways it is definitely something to be thankful for.
Honestly, I can overcomplicate just about everything in my life. I can overcomplicate picking out what I wear, how I do a job and cook a meal.
My husband is always telling me to “work smarter not harder” because I can do so many things the hard way. I can make a ten minute job last an hour because I get bogged down in all the details in between. Always trying to make everything perfect. Always trying to do things just right.
I even overcomplicate being happy.
Have you ever gotten mad at someone else because you weren’t happy? Like everything bad in your world was somehow their fault. That if they only would change or do their part like they were suppose to do then that would magically make everything right in your own world?
Well I raise my hand on that one too.
Then I do the same thing with stuff. Like…
If I only had that house or that job, I would be happy.
If I only had her hair and looks. If I had her gift, her talent or her words.
If I only had lots of this and plenty of that.
And the list can go on.
I can so easily allow all kinds of “this and thats” to overcomplicate my happiness and my life.
The thing that God is trying to teach me is that my true happiness and joy doesn’t come from other people and it doesn’t come from stuff. Happiness and joy doesn’t always come from perfect situations but so often can be found even in the most imperfect and messy ones.
Psalms 4: 6-7 (CSB) says it this way. “Many are asking, Who can show us anything good? Let the light of your face shine on us, Lord. You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and new wine abound.”
That “many” in that verse is comforting because it lets me know I am not the only one who struggles to find what truly satisfies them. So often we look to what is seen to satisfy us. While all the while true satisfaction comes from what isn’t seen at all. True satisfaction comes from an unseen God shining his goodness down upon us.
Successes and celebrations come and go but when we can be thankful for all the simple ordinary moments in between that is when we realize that maybe true happiness and contentment isn’t found where we think it is.
The Lord will give you a peace and stillness that words can not describe even in the midst of hardship. He can give you joy down deep in your very soul that is far beyond explanation in the least unexpected places.
God is trying to loosen this girl’s grasp on some things. I can’t truly grab hold of peace and contentment if my hands are always so full of my desire for striving and perfection. When I let go of some of my expectations, that is when God can fill my hands with all the goods things he has planned for me. God has not failed me yet to have the better plan for my life. He won’t start now.
He is also teaching me to let a few things wait. It really is ok to wait till I sit on the deck and take in the mountain view. Push some things aside and take my fur baby for that walk on the walking trail. Take the time to sit down to sip a hot cup of apple cider on a cold rainy day or just sit at the window and watch the birds at my feeder.
It really is actually ok to just have a comfortable pair of jeans and a tee shirt day. It is also ok to take time to sit on your porch swing and do nothing but swing. And actually take the time to just read that book.
I am even learning how to throw out all the stuff and purposely make the decision to not fill the spaces back up with more stuff. That actually sometimes less is really more.
I admit it is a learning process but I am making a start.
So, today I am simply thankful for all the simple things in my life. Period.

One Comment
Lovely reminder!