Thankful for a Blank Page
Before I put pen to paper to write this devotion, I sat for a minute and prayed about the words I would write. What words do you want me to write, Lord? Who will you lead to them today? Who will you send by today that needs them? Then, as I looked down at the blank page before me, I began to realize that my blank page would be the message for this devotion. A blank page is what I am thankful for this Tuesday in November.
Let me explain…
I think probably everyone would agree that probably the most talked-about woman in the Bible would be the woman at the well. (John 4:1-42) Can you imagine just how many times her story has been told? It has been repeated through sermons, Bible study lessons, and even songs written about her. Have you ever really thought about all that fame for a woman with…..well, a past?
Of all places that Jesus could have gone that day, have you ever really thought that he chose to go through a town in Samaria and sit down at noon by Jacob’s well that day on purpose? It was never a surprise encounter. Nothing Jesus ever did by chance. He knew exactly what time she would be there. He knew what time she came every day. Before this woman had ever been born, God knew her story. He knew all about the hopes and dreams she had as a young girl growing up. He also knew about her mistakes, failures, and even the shame she felt on this particular day. He knew her life didn’t turn out at all as she had hoped it would. After all, no one deliberately sets out with a plan to live a life full of mistakes and regret.
But Jesus didn’t choose to ignore her that day like her neighbors did. He didn’t take a long way around to avoid her or even pretend she didn’t exist. He never once thought about her background, her gender, her race, or even about her sinful past that day. None of that mattered. He walked up to that well that day and waited for her to show up on purpose.
The woman didn’t come to the well in morning time like all the other respectable ladies did. No, she waited till noon. She waited till the least likely of times to run into anyone who would possibly recognize her. Disappointments, failures, bad choices, sin, and shame had all taken their toll on her. She was living a life of shame and remorse that made her want to hide. Never seen. But Jesus had some amazing things in store for her.
He talked to her that day about her life. He brought all the secret things in her heart out into the open. I imagine he looked her in the eye that day. So attentive to her every word. Then he offered her something no one else had ever offered her before. Something that really no else ever could. He offered her a clean slate. A place to start over. A place of redemption and grace. He offered her living water that could satisfy her thirst for everything she was thirsty for. He also offered her water that would not only fill her soul but would wash all her sin and shame away. What he offered her was an extraordinary gift. He offered her a blank page—a place where she could rewrite her story.
I love that she dropped her water pot that day as she took off to tell everyone she could of this Jesus that she had met who had changed her life. But, the water pot wasn’t the only thing left behind that day. She left a lot more than that at that well. She left all her sin and shame. All her regrets and disgrace. She left a sinful life behind, exchanging it for a new life because of a good visit.
I remember my visit to the well and that first taste of living water. I have never been the same. He gave me a blank page too. My past sins don’t define me. I got to rewrite my story. A story that is full of hope and has a happy ending instead of one of regret and shame.
What do you feel you have to hide today? That thing down deep inside you that you think it would be the end if anyone finds out. The stain that is on your life you think can never be cleansed. That hurt that has cut so deep you feel will never be healed.
I invite you to visit the well today. He still is waiting for those who come at noon. His well is still as full of living water as it ever was. It flows deep and wide and is available to anyone who will come and drink. A place where “though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Isaiah 1:18) That place where God will say to you, “I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you.” (Isaiah 44:22) A place where Jesus offers you a place to start over. A place where you get to edit and rewrite your own story.
A place where your own blank page is waiting.
See you in the field,

Lisa Rigoni
This is so beautiful … filled with grace and compassion. A glimpse into how much Jesus loves us.
Keep sharing your heart and your gift!💝
Susan Davidson
Thank you Lisa. It is so amazing how much he does love us all.