Cultivating a Meek and Quiet Spirit
Have you ever struggled to remain calm and kind to others in trying circumstances? Perhaps your family dynamics create an atmosphere where always keeping your emotions in check and cultivating a meek and quiet spirit can be challenging. Given your current circumstances, it may even feel impossible. I admit that always having control over my emotions in this crazy field called life is something this girl is still laboring to perfect one hundred percent. It can be challenging to deal with difficult people in the workplace, in the passing lane, and even in the grocery store line. When your temperature rises, do you still act like the woman who…
Daughter of God, You are Enough
I can get easily get caught up in appearances. Anybody? Do you ever feel the sting of the words “you aren’t good enough?” Do you feel your accomplishments pale in comparison to “her” success, remarkable beauty, or invaluable contributions? Perhaps, you don’t even try because you feel you couldn’t possibly make any difference at all. I have spent some time visiting with John the Baptist. He reminded me of a few important things… Ladies, It isn’t about our hairstyle. And it certainly isn’t about the current style of shoes we are wearing. Our standing in society is not what will make the difference. What diploma hangs on our wall or…