Trusting In The One Who Is Stronger Than The Storm
“We are stronger than the storm.” Words I saw on a Christian tee that landed on my heart after having just prayed for a deeper understanding of the story in Matthew 14:22-33. Jesus’ disciples had just witnessed a miracle. Jesus multiplied five loaves of bread and two fish to feed a multitude of over five thousand counting women and children and still had twelve baskets full of leftovers. The disciples were no doubt tired from all the excitement of the day and from actually serving that many people. But without any time to rest, Jesus sent them ahead to cross over to the other side of the lake, and He…
Waiting For My Temporary to Change
“All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.” Job 14:14 (KJV) Temporary. I can totally forget in a hot minute what that word means when challenges find me. The enemy just loves to mess with our heads until we are thoroughly convinced we are permanently stuck in our situations and circumstances instead of temporarily on our way to passing through. Temporary means for a time only, brief, passing, transitory, short-lived. Unlike its counterpart, permanent, which means never changing, set in stone, fixed. Stuck. What brings change to our circumstances is a God who is anything but stuck and never rendered unable to change any…
Finding Hope Even When Life Brings You to Despair
Do you ever feel cast down while walking through a hard season? Do you find it helps to know you aren’t alone in how you feel? I get it. Sometimes, I get anxious, wanting to control all my outcomes. Times when fear floods my mind, and the “what if this” and “what if that” scenarios want to march around inside my head. I can quickly start to feel down and out, thinking about things I fear might happen and wondering how those things will actually play out in my life. I have lost count of the times I have fallen on my knees before God, pouring out all my worst-case…
Look Again Hope is Still There
There have been times in my life I felt maybe I heard God wrong. Times when I felt my life didn’t look anything like He had promised me it would be. I’ve wondered how good could come out of my circumstances or how could things work out after so many things had gone wrong. I’m sure that is kind of how Ephraim must have felt. God had made a covenant in which He promised to make Ephraim a large nation. (Genesis 48:19) Then one day, “The men from Gath, born in the land, killed them because they came to raid their cattle.” (I Chronicles 7:20) Just like that Ephraim’s sons were gone…