Don’t Play the Comparison Game…Again
Do you ever compare yourself to others playing the comparison game? Then let’s talk…
I love sweet juicy blueberries. I put them in smoothies, in my oatmeal, and even love a delicious blueberry cobbler every now and then. I recently learned something new about blueberries.
You can’t tell how sweet blueberry is going to taste by its size? No joke.
I would have assumed that the big plumb blueberries would be super sweet. I was so convinced I bought two containers. After all, they spent more time soaking up all that sunshine and drinking in all that refreshing rain. Right? Wrong! Bigger does not mean juicer or sweeter. Bigger can sometimes mean sourer. If that’s a word.
As I looked down at my container of big beautiful blueberries, I felt the Holy Spirit begin to sweetly convict my heart. I’ve been blueberry comparing again.
Yes, I had been playing the comparison game again. Let me explain…
For most of this girl’s life, she has watched other girls. I watched how they were smarter than me. Prettier than me. Had more than me. Had better opportunities than me. Carried themselves better than me.
I thought I had outgrown it honestly. But the blueberries were telling me an entirely different story.

As I have stepped out of my comfort zone into a bigger writing arena, I hear that familiar voice telling me again that I’m different.
I don’t have the writing degree and special training under my belt so who would want to read my small simple words.
I’m not as young or as pretty so who would want to watch me on video.
My writing style is entirely too plain compared to hers. What was I thinking?
But just like that super-sized blueberry is not always what you think it is going to be. Shinier and a better hairstyle don’t necessarily mean they are better for “your” job or they are going to have more impact sharing “your” message.
God is telling me. Again. That I can have an impact even if I am a small blueberry. Ha!
The creator of the universe is so creative that guess what? He never runs out of ideas. So he makes all of us a little different. That means He gives us all a special something all our own to use for his glory.
Take something as small as a fingerprint. No one else’s is exactly like mine. I’m unique. So are you.
So if you are like me and often automatically assume the bigger and shinier just has to be the best for your job. Or in my case best to tell my message. Think again.
God chose to make us all different so we would never have to compare ourselves. He chose…
A man who stutters to lead his people out of Egypt. (Exodus 4:10-13)
A shepherd boy to be King. (Samuel 16: 1-12)
An unknown servant girl to be Queen. (Esther 1: 1- 2:18)
A woman who was from the wrong side of the tracks to be named in the lineage of Christ. (Matthew 1:5, Ruth 1:22)
A man terrified and hiding in a winepress from the enemy to lead a vagabond army into battle. (Judges 6:11)
And God picked a blueberry to show this girl she has been playing the comparison game again.
So next time you are starting to compare yourself to all the other blueberries in the box like me remember…
God promised to “equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that. which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever.” Hebrews 13:21 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=hebrews+13%3A21&version=ESV What does that mean for those of us that think we are too small for the job? He will give us what it takes to do the job He has called us to do. Not her job. Your job. Period.
This lets us both know that we can be the smallest blueberry in the box and still do an amazing job.
So don’t let the enemy talk you into playing the comparison game too. You can still make an impact in the kingdom of God by simply being you.