November 19, 2020

Dear Jesus,
Please accept what I bring this morning, Lord. It doesn’t feel like much at all. But it is everything I have.
I confess to you my sins and shortcomings. Honestly, I struggle this morning to be thankful focusing on what I don’t have. I am asking you to help me focus on what I do have instead. I may not have everything I would like to have but you, Lord, have been gracious and have given me way and above everything that I need.
Help me lay down at your feet all the things I wrestle to understand. Things that hurt my heart and give me a worried mind. This world is such a mess but I know it hasn’t take you by surprise and you still know what to do.
You have promised to keep me and everything I have committed unto you because you can and will. You never break your promises to me. You won’t start today. You are faithful and trustworthy.
Help me lay all my wrestlings down so you can give me peace, joy and contentment. Precious gifts you always have in abundance and so freely give when I ask for them.
Give me knowledge and wisdom to defeat the enemy who rages against me. He comes over and over again without end to steal, kill and destroy me.
I’ve had enough of losing in battle, Lord. I ask that you help me defeat the enemy from taking even one more of even the smallest of things from me. Also help me take back four fold anything that he has already taken.
Lord, you have promised to do above and beyond what I can even imagine. I want every single thing that you have planned for me. Every. Single. Thing. I so often settle for less. Help me not to do that today.
Help me keep my eyes on what your Word says today and not on the waves around me. You said you would make my feet like hinds feet to walk on the heights without falling. I ask that you also help my feet walk on water like Peter today without sinking.
What things are impossible before me today make them possible.
Watch over my family today, Lord. Bless them and favor them. Strengthen those that are sick, lonely or hurting. Save those who do not know you. Protect them too against all the tricks and schemes of the enemy. They are part of my lot and inheritance today. I am so thankful for them. You have given them to me so they will be in my realm of influence. With that comes great responsibility. Help me be a light and strength to them for they also belong to you.
Thank you that you make me rise above. All of it.
I can sing today because I have such an amazing hope.
I can praise even in the midst of problems because You Are Worthy.
You are not just my Lord today. You are my friend.
I know you have listened as I have asked these things. I thank you for loving me and caring enough to answer.
Jesus, in your name I ask and pray. Amen.
Humbly yours,
Your friend, Susan

Dear Lord,
I have so many holes in my heart and soul right now. Give me the wisdom, strength and desire to fill them with You. Help me trust and be in awe of You for your ways are higher than my ways. Help me remember how You have never let the deep waters overtake me.
Susan Davidson
Dear Lord,
I pray for Dana today. Please answer her prayers and fill her with more of you. Let her experience peace and give her the wisdom and strength she needs. Let her feel just how much you care about her and love her today. In Jesus Name.
Sonia Benton
This one gave me chills. I often long to give it all to Him, but I don’t have the words as eloquently as you do. Thank you for this. Love ya!
Susan Davidson
It amazes me that the creator of the universe listens to us. Our choice of words isn’t what matters the most. He hears us even when we have no words at all. He just wants our heart. Love ya friend.