Let My Daughters Speak
Key Verse: “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16 (NKJV)
I was in the midst of a heated discussion. I was very upset and to be honest I was becoming angry. Then in the midst of trying to reason things out the other person cut me off and left. Just like that. They had said what they wanted to say but they had no interest at all of hearing my side of the conversation. I was left with lots to say but no one to say it to. It left me feeling angry. It also left me feeling small and unimportant.
As I rehearsed to myself what I would have said if I had been given the chance, I began to realize that maybe the conversation wasn’t really over at all. All that had changed was the person that I needed to talk to.
I might not be able to say what I wanted to say to the other party involved but I could definitely talk to the one who mattered the most. One thing I am learning is that God always listens to His daughters and never shuts us out. He stands ready for us to bring all our heartaches, disappointments and even heated discussions straight to His throne room. And He never hangs a Closed sign out when his daughters show up with lots to say.
We find in Numbers 27 that there was a man named Zelophehad who had five daughters. They had journeyed through the wilderness but before they had came to the place where their father would have reaped his part of the inheritance of land that God has promised him he had died. This left his five daughters destitute with no provision to provide for themselves.
In that day and culture, it was unheard of that the women would boldly go to the tent of meeting where the men and priests gathered to make decisions. Much less march themselves boldly before the prophet and speak. But these five daughters did just that. They came boldly to the meeting and speak they did.
They brought their cause before Moses asking that he go to God in their behalf and set things right. Their father had been faithful and died a natural death. They in turn had kept the faith and were trusting in God to help them.
Moses went and spoke to God on their behalf and God gave them their father’s inheritance. The girls got their land. All because God says let my daughters speak for I will hear them and answer.
Sometimes we feel silenced by situations and people in our lives. Times we feel we have plenty to say but no one around to listen. Times when we seek answers and help and no one seems interested enough to listen much less offer the assistance we need.
But just because people aren’t willing to listen doesn’t mean we are without an audience. Gods eyes are over the righteous and His ears open to their cries. He is a help to the poor and needy and will help those that be without help.
He has given us His own personal invitation so we can in his word that says, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16 (NKJV)
An invitation to come boldly that we might find what we have need of right at his feet. An open invitation to cast every care upon Him. Because daughter He cares. And despite whether anyone else ever has an interest in what you have to say your Heavenly Father wants to hear all about what you have on your heart and mind.
I am also learning that if all his daughters would first take all their heated discussions to Him then they will be able to communicate more effectively with each other.
Perhaps the best way to bring peace and unity among us all is to first spend some much needed time talking to God before we set out to have our conversations with each other. Maybe then we would once again have a world of peace and unity.
And that my sisters is the world I want to live in.
See you in the field,

Doris Brown
Very nicely said. A great reminder of how we need to stay in communication with our Lord.
Susan Davidson
Thank You, Doris. And Yes, we need to stay in communication with our Lord.
Terri Simpson
Very well put and versed from the word of God! In the world we live in today as women we have made leaps and bounds of progress to be heard but sometimes people will shut you out and shut you down no matter who you are!! But God will never leave you and will always listen. Thank you for this much needed word in due season
Susan Davidson
Yes, Terri. So glad he will never leave us and will always listen.