Learning To Be a Mary in a Martha World
Mary and Martha.
Two women who both loved Jesus.
Both were very much alike.
Both sat at His feet and listened.
Both read their Bibles and attended church.
Both served others.
Yet, Martha was troubled about many things. She was stressed and anxious. She was also discontented and quite grouchy. (Adding my personal description.)
Martha became distracted by her to-do lists and trying to make everything perfect. She became distracted by all the concerns she let flood her mind.
Martha started worrying about things God didn’t want her to worry about.
Then Mary became distracted by what Mary was doing and began to question.
Why doesn’t she?…. You fill in the blank.
“Why is her responsibilities different? Why is everything left up to me to do? Why doesn’t she have to deal with the same problems as me? Why is her life easier?”
Sound familiar?
Girl, this was my quiet time and honest conversation with God this morning.
The thing is, we all can become distracted by the cares and concerns of this world. And when we do, it snowballs. Soon, what was one problem becomes ten until we are no longer sitting at his feet but running around anxious and stressed, trying to figure out our own solutions.
We can quickly go from peace to mess in one hot minute. Singing to the choir, friends.
There is only one way to find balance and freedom from worry and anxiety.
Prioritize and find balance by putting Jesus first and then letting everything else follow.
*Spend time with Jesus before we Christmas shop online so we won’t overspend. (Threw that one in there for me.)
*Spend time in prayer before we wring our hands, wondering what we will do when situations arise beyond our control.
*Spend time sitting at Jesus’ feet before we start looking to others to do what only He can do for us.
*Spend time in God’s Word before we make that decision that is weighing on our hearts.
A great place to start is in prayer. I hope you will be able to join me.
I thank you that you always know what my weary heart needs when I take time to come to your word. You are ready and waiting to teach me a better way to life and everything in it. So teach me to concentrate on the best Thing so lesser things won’t consume my life. Help me to savor before serving, rest before I become restless, and listen before I labor. Help me sit at your feet, letting the Holy Spirit drive me into your presence before I am driven to distraction. Fill me with so much of You that I lose sight of everything else. Help me draw closer to you and farther from the cares of this world. Help me leave my cares, concerns, and hopes for my life with you before putting them on others. You promised to be my help and provide for my needs. Help me trust you today. You will always keep your promises, for you are truly trustworthy and faithful. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
See you in the field,
*Reflections while sitting at Jesus’ feet reading Luke 10:38-42

Susan Davidson
I am a country girl from a small town nestled in the mountains of Southwest Virginia. I love discovering something new in God's word, sipping on my favorite coffee and enjoying the simple things in life. And I love to write about all the everyday stuff in between. My hope is that the things I share on my page will encourage and inspire you to find God's purpose for your own everyday journey.

Holly Miller
Love this real and down to earth admonition. I appreciate you and your writings.
Susan Davidson
Thank you, friend. I am glad this spoke to you. I appreciate you and your writings as well.