Grace Promised for Every. Single. Thing.
Did you know?……
That thing you said that you didn’t mean.
That thing you said that you meant at the time you said it but after your words were spoken you were left with profound regret. It left an ache in your heart and a bitter taste on your tongue that would not soon be remedied.
That thing you did that you have wished a thousand times you could take back and undo.
That thing you said in heated anger and meant every single word and would say all over again.
That thing you said that crushed someone’s heart and made them feel so very small and unloved.
That thing you lashed out and did in anger because you yourself was heart broken and bruised.
That thing you discerned was wrong and yet still chose to boldly do anyway without any remorse or regret at all.
Even that thing you thought about and knew was wrong and yet you let it replay over over again in your mind without any hesitation.
Yes. Every. Single. Thing.
Did you know God knew about your thing and still chose to love you anyway? Chose to redeem and restore you anyway?
And even chose to die for you anyway? Yes, He chose to freely give you the life saving gift of salvation in spite of all your many things.
No thing you can ever do can change that. And not one thing can you ever say can change it either.
Jesus was never our own plan but God the Father’s very own plan of love all along. Offered freely to a people that did not deserve it, were unable to earn it and could never speak it into existence. We can never mess it up and undo it either.
The one thing we all needed the most we will never be able to do for ourselves. It is simply a gift we have to choose to receive. A gift He so freely offers us. A gift ready for us to receive for every thing we have ever done and every word we have ever spoken.
And all because of His glorious thing called grace we all can live victoriously free from our Every. Single. Thing.
“God treated us with undeserved grace because of the Son he dearly loves, and so we should praise God.” (CEV)
See you in the Field,