Grace and Honest Conversations
Godly Woman Versus Messy Woman holding fast to Grace?
Masked or Unmasked?
Perfect versus slightly imperfect but with a heart for Jesus?
The question is, which one do I show the world? Which one do I present to those in my realm of influence?
Could it be possible that perhaps there is a little of both in all of us walking out this road of salvation holding tight to the hand leading the way that we could never find on our own?
What would happen if we chose to be honest enough with ourselves and others to have that conversation?
I ask myself, “Do I show the world a woman who has it all together all the time, or do I pull up a chair and say here I am? I am just like you. I have messy, hard days too.” The truth is there are days I get it right, but I still encounter days that I fall short. Days that I sit in reverence to a most Holy God who chooses to do life with people just like me on purpose. That alone blows this girl’s mind.
One version may be showcased on IG feeds and attract a thousand likes, but perhaps one will lead people to Jesus.
So which one do I show the world? Which one do I show You?
The truth is I am not perfect. I want to be. I strive to be. This perfectionist heart of mine has been known to sit down and cry for days when I fall short. Something else I admit I am trying to overcome— is the urge to be so hard on myself.
There are more things I am working on, if I am, to be honest…
I still can lose my cool with my husband even after all these years of marriage.
I often set goals that I don’t keep.
I overthink things and make them more challenging than they need to be.
I often compare myself to “her” and feel small in comparison.
I have days I struggle to stay positive along the road of hard assignments, and I often feel I probably have to battle in the trenches of prayer longer than all the others on those shiny IG feeds.
Sometimes I battle fear, worry, doubt, unwillingness, discouragement, and frustration.
Perfect? The answer is No.
But I am forever grateful that the work my God has started in me He will finish, and of this, I am sure. I am so thankful for the words of Philippians 1:6 (ESV) that say, “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” I humbly and most appreciatively accept my God’s offer of grace and forgiveness to keep taking another step. I strive for the mark of this high calling God has called me to.
Brother Paul says it best in Philippians 3:12-14 (CSB), “Not that I have already reached the goal or am already perfect, but I make every effort to take hold of it because I also have been taken hold of by Christ Jesus. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.”
I have always said God didn’t make me a mouthpiece because I had it all together, but because I was vulnerable enough to show people I wasn’t, they could see what Jesus can do in an imperfect life like mine. The transforming power of the Holy Spirit is an incredible thing.
This girl is a sinner saved by grace. The amazing thing about grace is that it doesn’t leave us in our pits called sin but rescues us from them. It shakes us off and gives us the strength to try as many times as we need to overcome it. Grace is victory bound, and we will reach our destination with Jesus behind the wheel.
It gives us the courage when we fail to reach out for mercy. God made it new every day for a reason. He thought ahead for people like me. (Lamentations 3:22-23)
The glorious news is that Jesus died for messy people. Why? Because He knew we couldn’t do righteousness by ourselves. We can’t work hard enough to earn it. And we will never be good enough to deserve it.
Not even those people on the shiny IG feeds. The best of us still need Jesus.
We can try. We can look the part and even dress the part but deep down in our hearts; we still have to take up our cross every day and crucify this thing called flesh and overcome that thing we want to skip over. That thing is called sin.
Messy? Yes, sometimes. But Praise God; I am not staying there.
When I look back at the desperate young girl who first bowed on the altar of a little country church many years ago, I barely recognize her. But then, God started a work in me that has transformed my life.
I am not the same person I once was. But that is what the gift called salvation is all about.
I’m getting closer to being more like Jesus every day. I accept His offer to walk with Him and keep showing up in my obedience field like Ruth.
Perfect. No, not yet. But I am still trying.
This girl still shows up with a desire to live out her life with a God who knows me best and still loves me beyond measure. He still encourages, comforts, strengthens, and equips me daily.
Friends, we serve a pretty amazing God.
A God who will never give up on us even when we show up messy and imperfect.
He gives us the grace to have honest conversations. He also gives us the grace to be transparently beautiful.
How great is that!
Do you have difficulty being honest enough to accept the grace freely given? What is God helping you overcome with His grace today?
“Let us come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16 (KJV) Accept these precious gifts freely, then do your best to share them with others.
Be bold and courageous enough to let the Holy Spirit shine His light through the cracks in you so others might see the way to Jesus.
See you in the field,

Susan Davidson
I am a country girl from a small town nestled in the mountains of Southwest Virginia. I love discovering something new in God's word, sipping on my favorite coffee and enjoying the simple things in life. And I love to write about all the everyday stuff in between. My hope is that the things I share on my page will encourage and inspire you to find God's purpose for your own everyday journey.

Kristie Correll
So love this post!
I am in this season.
Initially, I wanted to be the strong one for every one, highlighting what God has beautifully gifted in my life! Him, and every thing He provides.
But as the road can be wide and narrow, I am learning day by day from Him..full transparency in my walk of faith is full of all the reality. Our light will shine because He’s our first choice. His lamp shining through Jesus walking steadfastly with me. (And you) ♥️
And to have so many just like me to share the journey. 🙌🏼
Susan Davidson
Thank you for sharing your thoughts reading my post. I’m learning the freedom in full transparency too, friend. Glad we serve a God who allows us to come to Him as we are.
Terry Cotner
Susan, From one recovering perfectionist to another, I applaud you for your progress in pursuing a walk with Christ that is free from the chains of perfectionism. As we bring our imperfections to light, God blesses them for the encouragement and support of others who struggle with the same things. May you celebrate His victories over those things He has helped you overcome and continue to honestly acknowledge that it’s our very imperfections that draw us to cling more desperately to Him for grace and mercy along the way.
Susan Davidson
Thanks for your comments. I totally agree that when we are vulnerable to share our struggles and how God is helping us overcome then we lead the way for others to be encouraged.
Deborah Rutherford
Susan, thank you for your lovely inspiring post and for sharing your heart. I am trying to be more vulnerable sharing my messy parts. We are so blessed that God loves us no matter what. I love, Be bold and courageous enough to let the Holy Spirit shine His light through the cracks in you so others might see the way to Jesus.
Susan Davidson
Thank you for reading and commenting. Something I am learning too, friend. I am finding there is a beautiful freedom when we can share our weaknesses not to have people look at us but to show the way to Jesus. There is nothing He can’t walk us through, help us overcome or work it for good.
Ellie C.
Your blog post was lovely! Thank you for sharing from your honest, vulnerable perspective. Thank you for the scriptures you shared as well.
Susan Davidson
Thank you for visiting my blog and sharing your comments. 💗
Holly Miller
I loved this post You have a great way if communicating truths that touch the heart.
Susan Davidson
Thank you for your comments. I appreciate your feedback.