God’s Indescribable Gift
Key Verse: “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.” I Corinthians 9: 15 (CSV)
I will never forget that morning the Lord laid that precious lady that came in my library on my heart. I woke up in the early hours of the morning just knowing I had to give her a special gift.
You see she had knitted caps for cancer patients and babies for years. Unselfishly giving of her money and time just because she wanted to. She didn’t make them for the praise and she didn’t give them for anything in return. She just made them because God had given her the gift of knitting and she wanted to share her gift to help others and for his glory.
So that special morning that God woke me up to tell me that she needed a cap made specially for her I didn’t know what to do. She had cancer and had lost her hair and a store bought cap would not do. It had to be knitted especially for her. The problem was I didn’t knit. Not one stitch.
I prayed and reminded Him that I didn’t knit. I could learn to knit but I I couldn’t guarantee it would be pretty. I reminded him that sewing and crafty stuff wasn’t my thing. He didn’t need reminding. He already knew. He also knew that I had prayed for an opportunity to do something really special for someone else. This was the answer to my prayers. He also knew I would find a way to get it done.
A couple days later I had put together a plan that got a friend involved. I would buy all the yarn and they would make the cap. You see God had laid it on my heart that she needed a cap. He didn’t tell me I had to make it. Whew!
I mailed sweet Becky her cap with a note that let her know that the gift was from God. That He had wanted her to have it and it had been made special for her for all the caps she had made over the years. Me and my friend were just entrusted with the assignment. The gift was from Him.
She called me a couple days later crying. She said it meant the world to her and no one had ever done anything like that for her before. I reminded her that it was God’s idea and we were just so blessed to be a part of it. It made her day. And so warmed me and my friend’s hearts.
You see. All the gifts we give this Christmas is made possible because of God. Every. Single. One. He gives us the health needed to work, the special ideas to create special things or put together wonderful plans and then makes us sit front row center to witness his goodness as our loved ones and friends open and enjoy them. He is also responsible for that special gift that will be given to you this year.
Some of the greatest gifts I have received weren’t the ones that cost the most money but were the ones like Becky’s just simply given in love. And that thing called love…it comes from Him too.
So as you give this season and receive take the time to thank him for both. He makes it all possible.
Thank him for his indescribable gift. For the precious gift of giving and receiving, it comes from the very heart of God.
See You in the Field,