Finding What Truly Satisfies our Souls
Do you ever overeat to the point that you are miserable? Maybe it is that favorite meal that you can’t seem to stop eating, or maybe like me; you have this incredible sweet tooth that you can never seem to satisfy. Yet, we can glean a spiritual message from that all too familiar feeling of being too full even of a good thing. A lesson that will teach us to find ultimate contentment in Jesus.
A lesson that will teach us that whatever we are full of in this life will ultimately determine our outcome. We can either seek to find contentment in Jesus or try to satisfy the innermost longings of our hearts with the things of this world. Something I admit I have picked up over the years from learning the hard way. I came across a bit of reminder in my study time recently and wanted to share.
The nation of Tyre in scripture had it made, or so they thought. Because of their location to the sea, they became wealthy and prospered through trade with other nations. There is a lot to glean about them and God’s character in the book of Ekezial but one thing stood out to me above the rest.
Ezekiel 27:25 tells us that Tyre became “full and heavily loaded in the heart of the sea.” (CSB) If you read on you will find it was their ruin. They were far from being surpassed in wealth and riches, but they were poor in what matters most. They had gained the vast riches of this world but they failed to gather in what was most important. They neglected to amass the wealth of a relationship with God and His word.
God sent an east wind and wrecked them. One difficult circumstance carried them to the depths of the sea. We can linger over these verses not to bring us to despair and lose hope but to strengthen us and instruct us.
A hungry appetite for this world will drown us for it will spiral out of control. God blesses us with good things, and for some, that includes wealth and riches. But all the wealth and prosperity of this world were never meant to satisfy us and have power over us. Therefore, the desire for Christ must be greater than any other desire our soul hungers for.
What we allow ourselves to be full of will be our outcome. If we fill our soul with God’s word and allow the Holy Spirit to dwell fully within us, we know that even the hardships of this life will work to bring us good. However, if we allow the world and its pleasures to become what is most important to us, it will ultimately consume us. We will drown like Tyre in the depths of a vast sea of wantonness. Worldly things can never satisfy us, no matter how shiny they look or how well they capture the sun. They can never fill the sacred place in our souls created solely for a relationship with God. Period.
The Lord will never condemn us, but He will instruct us out of love. He longs to give us everlasting peace and joy. God waits patiently for us so that He can bestow upon us the priceless gifts of contentment and stillness. He longs to cease all our strivings for things that will never satisfy our soul to give us rest and peace.
He has immeasurable gifts in His storehouse that are more valuable than anything this world can ever offer us. The great thing is that we but have to ask. Our heavenly Father longs to give them freely.
Jesus said it best, “Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28-29 (KJV)
Sometimes all our wants and desires are too heavy to carry alone. So if you find you are drowning in a bottomless sea of craving and wantonness, I have good news. Jesus stands ready to rescue you. He will take what is loading you down and replace it with priceless treasures from His kingdom that money can never buy. Priceless treasures that will satisfy every longing in your heart.
See you in the field,