December 1, 2020
Dear Jesus,
I thank you for another day.
Help me see all the good things you have planned for me today. So often I get busy with other things and fail to take notice. Open my eyes today to all your goodness.
Help me spend some time looking up instead of down as I walk through my day. The heavens declare your glory. Let them remind me that a God that can create such things such as sun, moon and stars can do anything. You hold them in place by your word alone. You hold me too. They not only declare your glory but they are the key to the seasons and set time for all the earth. Again, you Lord, alone can create such things as these. You also created the mountains around me. Another reminder when I look up and around me that only You can create such things. They are also a reminder of where my help comes from. It comes from the maker of heaven and earth.
I have some hard things in front of me. Things I can’t do alone. I ask for your strength, help and discernment. You promised when I ask I shall find them. I ask, seek and knock today.
Help me when I’m stressed and want to lash out at the people I love. Sometimes I need to you to comfort my frustrated heart. Sometimes I just try too hard and other days I don’t try hard enough. Help me when even in the middle. I need you on my bad days. I also need you on the good days.
Somethings the things I face requires me to lay aside what I want and instead embrace what you have for me. Help me Lord when I struggle to do this. Forgive me when I fail. Raise me back to my feet when I want to sit down. Make me courageous when I want to quit.
Fill every longing in me today. When you filled the woman at the well, she dropped her water pot and ran she was so excited. Fill me again to that same overflowing place, Lord.
Lead me to what I need in your word today. Give me understanding and wisdom. It is through your word that I will find the courage and strength I need.
Help my heart sing even on the days singing is hard. When I lose my song, give me a new one.
You have given all of us a gift. Help me use mine to the best of my ability. Let it bring glory to “You”. As I use mine Lord, help me not look to see who sees but leave that to you. Help me not serve numbers but You.
Help my family today. Bring them closer to you and strengthen them too. Give them courage where they need it and help when they struggle. Protect them in the world of uncertainty. Cover them again today with your feathers.
Help my mom and mother-in-law today. You will not forsake them in their older years. I have your word on that. And you always keep your word.
Thank you for all your precious promises. You will bless me going in and coming out when I do my best. Again you will keep your word.
Thank you for always hearing me when I pray. Thank you for always answering.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Humbly yours,
Your friend, Susan

Melanie Horst
My deepest lover of my soul you’ve sought me out in my pit season to see a glimpse of your glory. Father you know that I’m that one sheep that’s been known to stray with curiosity and often times so easily deceived. I offer up my heart tonight, I’m weary, exhaustion has set in and fatigue has taken my mind, I don’t have these elaborate nor eloquent words to pray. Jesus, it’s my heart cry I lay before you at the throne, my prayer is my tears, so tonight I pray this four letter prayer, #JESUSFIGHTFORME…
Your Seeking Guidance Child
Susan Davidson
In Jesus name, Amen sweet friend.