Bring It All to God in Prayer
I often laugh about the time my friend called me a stuffer and herself a blower. She was referring to how different we are in how we deal with things. She is the outspoken type that speaks up letting people know how she feels instantly. I am more the type to hold hurts and frustrations inside choosing to deal with them alone.
Either way in itself is not always the right way to handle things. Stuffers can easily hold misunderstandings, hurts, and frustrations inside until you are a powder keg ready to explode or allow them to cause discouragement or resentment. Blowers can lose their tempers and say things in anger they regret.
I personally know from experience holding hurts inside is not always a healthy way to handle emotions. It was a game changer when I finally learned I have a place to blow so to speak. A place I can take not just my hurts and pain but even the things that unsettle my heart and make me fighting mad. I have learned I serve a great big God who has heard and seen it all and is never shocked or made so mad at me that He changes his mind about me and his relationship with me.
He takes notice of everything about all of us big and small. Nothing that involves us takes him by surprise. He hears the words on our heart long before they even form on our tongue. He sees them as they lay on our hearts ready to take root as bitterness and discouragement which is the reason why He has invited us to come and talk to Him about everything that happens in our lives.
The thing is our God sees us. Gets us. Takes the time to know us.
He deliberately chooses to truly love us. Comfort us. Hold us. Do life with us. Even in the messy, loud, and chaotic. Even when the tears are flying and the hurt is spewing.
God never runs away from us even on our worst days. Never hides from having to deal with us. Never leaves us alone. Never abandons us.
Instead, He stays. Waits upon us. Delights in us. Holds a steady gaze over us. Patiently helps us when we don’t know what to do.
It is powerful when that knowledge settles in your heart. It is a huge deal to recognize that He not only calls us to be His people, but He delights in calling us friends and He deals with us as children.
So today, I have womderful news for all you stuffers AND blowers…
We have been invited to come, “casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7
We have a place to go when we feel like all you want to do is stuff it all in. You also have a place to go when you are so hurt and mad you want to blow, scream and explode.
We serve a great big God. He can take it all. He already knows anyway.
Whether we come blowing or from stuffing we have a place we can lay it all down at the feet of Jesus. A place where we can come just as we are. A place we can roll it all off our shoulders onto His shoulders. And my Jesus has the biggest shoulders of anyone I know.
See you in the field,
Other verses to encourage you when you feel like stuffing or blowing:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6
“But in my distress I cried out to the Lord; yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from his sanctuary; my cry to him reached his ears.” Psalm 18:6
“Cast your burden on the Lord—he will support you! God will never let the righteous be shaken!” Psalm 55:22
Susan Davidson
I am a country girl from a small town nestled in the mountains of Southwest Virginia. I love discovering something new in God's word, sipping on my favorite coffee and enjoying the simple things in life. And I love to write about all the everyday stuff in between. My hope is that the things I share on my page will encourage and inspire you to find God's purpose for your own everyday journey.

I’m a stuffer too! 🙂 Great reminder – thank you!
Susan Davidson
I am glad to know that I am not the only one. 💛
Such a good post! I loved (and needed to hear) every word. Thank you for writing it and sharing it.
Susan Davidson
It is a blessing knowing it encouraged you. 💕
Deborah Rutherford
Susan, love this! Yes we can come to Him with all our cares❤🙏
Susan Davidson
Amen! What would we do without Him and this wonderful thing called prayer?!💛