Finding Purpose in Your Stable
Have you ever felt like all your dreams for your life just didn’t turn out anything like you thought they would? Maybe it just feels like your life got hijacked somewhere between the dreams you had for your life and the reality of where you are now? If your answer is yes to the above, let me encourage you by…
God’s Indescribable Gift
Key Verse: “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.” I Corinthians 9: 15 (CSV) I will never forget that morning the Lord laid that precious lady that came in my library on my heart. I woke up in the early hours of the morning just knowing I had to give her a special gift. You see she had knitted…
The Greatest Gift is Still Love
The street light wasn’t the only thing all aglow that night all those years ago. My childlike heart was, too. I missed my favorite Christmas shows that year but received something better. I would have never thought it could have been possible. Every year as a child, I waited impatiently to watch my favorite Christmas shows. When I was growing…
Gifts Made by Hands
Key Verse: “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13 (CSB) I love having gifts under my tree each year with my name on them. I hope that don’t make me sound too self-centered. I wish I was one of those people that can honestly say for them it is all about giving…
White Chocolate-Dipped Oatmeal Cranberry Cookies
For most of us, the Christmas season is packed full of family traditions. We look forward to celebrating with our family, friends, and communities. No Holiday season is complete without feasting on some of our favorite snacks and treats. I was blessed to work as a library assistant at my local library for several years. Every holiday season, the library…
December 1, 2020
Dear Jesus, I thank you for another day. Help me see all the good things you have planned for me today. So often I get busy with other things and fail to take notice. Open my eyes today to all your goodness. Help me spend some time looking up instead of down as I walk through my day.…
Just Thankful
It is funny the memories from my childhood that have stuck with me as I’ve grown up. Although, I admit that often it isn’t the memories of the things that I had or all the things I did that I remember or think about the most. As I have gotten older, I have the wisdom to just be thankful for…
What Would Your Story Say About You
Key Verse: “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” I Timothy 4:12 (KJV) Have you ever wondered if God was telling your story to someone else what he would say? Really, think about it for a second. What do you think…
November 19, 2020
Dear Jesus, Please accept what I bring this morning, Lord. It doesn’t feel like much at all. But it is everything I have. I confess to you my sins and shortcomings. Honestly, I struggle this morning to be thankful focusing on what I don’t have. I am asking you to help me focus on what I do have instead. I…
Thankful for a Blank Page
Before I put pen to paper to write this devotion, I sat for a minute and prayed about the words I would write. What words do you want me to write, Lord? Who will you lead to them today? Who will you send by today that needs them? Then, as I looked down at the blank page before me, I…