Becoming a Positive Proverbs 31 Woman
As women, don’t we love all the things?…
The current styles, killer shoes, knock-out accessories, and don’t forget that new skincare line. We spend time waiting to have our hair styled and our nails manicured, and we all spend time online ordering all the stuff that will make us look more beautiful, successful, and put together.
But are we genuinely successful, beautiful, put together? And are we just as interested in becoming a stunning godly Proverbs 31 woman?
When I read about the Proverbs 31 woman, who is the epitome of all the things we as Christian women aspire to, I can’t help but feel that it is this vast unobtainable goal. I leave the pages marking which stuff I intend to work on next until I hopefully and prayerfully arrive at this desired destiny of living out this woman who embodies perfection in every sense of the word.
But then I get to Proverbs 21:9 that says, “Better to live on the corner of a roof than to share a house with a nagging wife.” Proverbs 21:9 (CSB)
Honestly, I usually skip over that verse altogether. Indeed that verse doesn’t pertain to me.
But the word Nag in the dictionary means some things I didn’t realize until recently. I discovered this small word has a much more significant meaning after studying its meaning in some dictionaries.

I seemed to have convinced myself that the nagging woman only meant this bold ill-spirited woman who constantly yells out orders to her husband and berates him with a list of daily do’s and don’ts. She continually criticized his every move and never found any good in him. Yes, it does mean that person, so in comparison, I felt I wasn’t like her. So, I skip that verse and return to the more dignified, respectful godly Proverbs 31 woman. I return to simply trying to be “more” like her which seems a little “less” like working on sin.
This perfect Proverbs 31 woman truly sets herself above and gives me something to work toward so much so that I don’t feel as bad when I don’t quite measure up. Everyone knows that most women need to work to be like her. Right?
But a Nag?
Here is the deal. I came across this bold meaning for that tiny three-letter word, and I felt a pain of conviction. But, unfortunately, it also means the person who is a constant source of negativity.
In my current season, I am solely responsible for so many things. There are times I feel overwhelmed. I am not trying to make excuses, but it is not easy and not the assignment I signed up for, if I am honest. Not pleased to mention that sometimes that word negativity can sneak its way into my day. It finds its way into my heart somewhere between taking care of all the everyday stuff and putting other people’s needs before my own. There I said it out loud. Maybe not a “constant source,” but definitely can find room for improvement. Anybody else?
Yes, we can present ourselves to the world by wearing the pretty clothes, having the perfect hair style, donning the new shoes and bag. We can also paint our faces with perfection and show the world our picture-perfect family life and selfies. But do we genuinely exhibit endless and constant positivity where it matters most in the private moments and more intimate settings of our homes and with our husbands and families?

Yes, I, too, want all the things. Of course, I want to look my best and feel my best, but maybe the best place to start is not in any kind of wait line, store, or perhaps peering down at an online shopping cart. Maybe the best place to truly get all us ladies to where we look our best, feel our best, and personify success is needed to be somewhere else entirely.
Perhaps, it starts with more time spent praying and studying God’s word. Obviously, on our worst days, but perhaps even more on our good days. The bad ones can sneak up on us, and I don’t know about you, but I want to be ready.
So before I slip into a new outfit, maybe I need to slip into some much-needed Positivity.
I feel that is the part of Proverbs 31 woman I need to focus on today. To accessorize me with “in her tongue is always the law of kindness.” I somehow imagine her with that said, never to be negative at all.
And maybe before we look the part of this successful Godly woman, we have got to live the part.
So as I work on becoming more like a positive Proverbs 31 woman, what do you find yourself working on today? Anything? I sure would love to know I am not the only work in progress with some rather large goals in the department of being the woman God has plans for me to be.
Hope to see you in the field,
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for being patient with me while I learn and grow. I want to be more, not less, for You, my husband, and my family. Help me overcome my moments of weakness when I can easily let negativity come in and not just spoil my day but the day of those around me. Please give me a positive, hopeful outlook, putting some very unattractive negativity to rest. Help me dress and accessorize myself as a woman of God, not just on the outside but from the inside out. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

I read you post just before I headed out for my morning walk and was thinking about the verse in Proverbs while I zipped around the streets.
I remember reading it years ago and thinking😬 eeek! How a constant dripping is so utterly annoying you do anthing to shut it up!
I was/could still be like it. I try hard not to be, but oh what a work in progress.
Its horrible how we can ‘dress ourselves nicely and speak kindly’ when outside our homes but behind closed doors be not as put together as we want people to think!!
Thanks for the reminder!
NAG: Negative Attitude Guaranteed
Susan Davidson
I’m glad I am not the only one that can “drip”. I am also glad is patient with us while we grow into the Proverbs 31 woman. I have come a long way but still have work to do. Thanks for the comment to let me know I am not alone in the struggle.
Nita Wilkinson
So beautiful! Sent me to my Bible! Conviction is hard, but it takes us one step closer to holy! Thank you!
Susan Davidson
I agree that conviction is hard. But it does bring much peace, and Yes, one step closer to holy! I am blessed to journey with you, friend. Thank you for taking the time to comment.