How to Start a Brand New Year
As I sat contemplating new goals for 2024, I suddenly became aware of two things. Others around me were blowing past me with all sorts of mind-blowing goals with matching palettes and color schemes to match. Me? I was finding it hard to get started this year. Giving up on my calling wasn’t an option, so I allowed myself to ask some very important questions. How do you get moving when you have no energy left? How do you refuel when you feel totally depleted? Finding the answers to these questions meant spending some time with Hezekiah and God’s people in 2 Chronicles 29. Hezekiah was facing a starting over…
Learning To Be a Mary in a Martha World
Mary and Martha. Two women who both loved Jesus. Both were very much alike. Both sat at His feet and listened. Both read their Bibles and attended church. Both served others. Yet, Martha was troubled about many things. She was stressed and anxious. She was also discontented and quite grouchy. (Adding my personal description.) Martha became distracted by her to-do lists and trying to make everything perfect. She became distracted by all the concerns she let flood her mind. Martha started worrying about things God didn’t want her to worry about. Then Mary became distracted by what Mary was doing and began to question. Why doesn’t she?…. You fill in…
When You Are Desperate For a Miracle
Have you ever felt desperate for a miracle? What if it doesn’t come? How could you imagine life being good again? Desperation is a terrible place to be….. Or is it? Desperate is a state of being reckless or dangerous due to hopelessness and despair. Being desperate can make people do desperate things. It can bring a person to that place of not knowing what to do and being willing to look anywhere for answers. A place where you are ready to do anything to get relief. It brings people to their knees. Is desperation for a miracle a terrible place to be? Or a powerful place to be? Perhaps desperate…
What Strength Looks Like on the Hard Days
“I am not strong enough to do this.” Words that spilled over from my heart that was flooded with tears. Words I expressed with absolute sincerity to God in a moment of weakness. I had lessons to learn about this thing called Strength. The dictionary describes it as having the ability to have or exert great bodily or muscular power, the act of being physically vigorous or robust. We pray for strength. Sometimes, we even beg God for it. It is promised to us as His people in His word. God himself promises to be our strength. Psalms 46:1-3 (ESV) says, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present…
Waiting on God is Never a Bad Idea
Do you ever question God when it seems all you do is wait for Him to move? Do you ever feel like just answering your prayer would be a much better idea than spending so much time waiting out the hard seasons in your life? Recently, my new puppy took advantage of my quick exit before I took the time to put my ink pen out of reach. When I returned, she had chewed a hole in the ink casing and spilled ink on my brand-new throw that was a gift from my daughter. In a heated rush to see if I could salvage the throw, I hastily decided I…
Finding Strength for the Hard Things
I am generally a go-getter. I see something that needs to be done, and I push myself until the job is done, especially God things. That is until I could not do one more thing this week. A spirit of unwillingness had crept into my heart, and I was at a loss to get going again. I was done. No more hard things were stuck on repeat in my head, and I found myself sitting down and unable to move. The words “I don’t want to” were like a heavy cloak draped over my heart, and I could not throw them off. I wrestled and dared to ask God…
Faith and Hard Conversations
Do you ever find yourself needing to have an honest conversation? The kind you don’t have to sugarcoat any of the hard stuff. You can throw it out there and know that it will land safely. The kind of conversation that Habakkuk had with God. Because God doesn’t always answer our prayers like we want. Sometimes the tears will still fall. Our hearts will still break. And it will take us a while before we can boldly say that through it all, God always has a plan for our good. He never once loses sight of us or abandons us. He never stops loving His people. Habakkuk knew the pain…
Grace and Honest Conversations
Godly Woman Versus Messy Woman holding fast to Grace? Masked or Unmasked? Perfect versus slightly imperfect but with a heart for Jesus? The question is, which one do I show the world? Which one do I present to those in my realm of influence? Could it be possible that perhaps there is a little of both in all of us walking out this road of salvation holding tight to the hand leading the way that we could never find on our own? What would happen if we chose to be honest enough with ourselves and others to have that conversation? I ask myself, “Do I show the world a woman who…
Chosen for the Best
As a girl who often battles comparison, I have often felt drawn to the verses in Acts 1:22-26. In this passage, we read of two men who have both faithfully served God and walked with Jesus during his earthly ministry. These two men are each considered to take Judas’ place as the twelfth disciple. I am sure the suspense built as the eleven apostles gathered to cast lots to see who God would select for this special place of service. After each was carefully considered and prayed over, only one would be chosen. “And they put forward two; Joseph called Barsabbas, also called Justus and Mattias. And they prayed and said, ‘You, Lord,…
Getting Your Eyes Off Your Problems and Onto the Promises of God
Do you ever find it hard to take your eyes off your problems? Have you ever endured a tough season so long that you feel stuck? Have you ever started to feel like hard is all there will ever be? I know I have. I love planning a vacation to the beach. You book the reservations, you put together an itinerary, and as the scheduled date gets closer, you start packing. There is nothing like the excitement and anticipation about a week before you pull out of your driveway. Even though you are physically still dragging your feet through another work week, your heart has already arrived at your destination. You…